  • 學位論文


Social Media Editor's Production and Labor on Facebook Page

指導教授 : 張玉佩


在社群行銷當道的今日,Facebook粉絲專頁社群編輯作為一新興職業,其重要性正逐漸提升。為瞭解社群編輯工作內容與勞動內涵,本文以政治經濟學及行銷學觀點釐清社群編輯於內容產製鏈之定位,延伸Smythe閱聽人商品概念作為分析架構,從社交媒體環境中閱聽人的改變,探索社群編輯出現的原因,並結合社群觀點探討社群編輯如何經營品牌與消費者之間的關係,從中理解自己的工作。 研究取徑方面,本文採取Facebook粉絲專頁類型分析與半結構式深度訪談,根據品牌商品形式及粉絲專頁功能提出分類框架,將粉絲專頁劃分為四種類別,討論不同類別粉絲專頁在經營策略上之差異,並透過9位社群編輯實際的工作樣態探究其勞動過程及職業認同。 研究結果可分為四個部份。第一,社群行銷是一門複雜而專業的知識,相同產業未必能依循同樣的經營法則,而是必須依照商品特性與行銷目的,發展合適的社群操作模式。第二,本研究建立Facebook粉絲專頁之內容產製模型,用以呈現社交媒體中的閱聽人商品轉換過程,剖析資本家、品牌、社群編輯與閱聽人的角色,發現社群編輯對於轉化社交媒體閱聽人商品發揮關鍵作用。第三,社群編輯代表品牌與閱聽人互動,其形象並非完全出自社群編輯本人,而是受組織內部規範及消費者偏好限制,由社群編輯、品牌及閱聽人共同創造出「小編」的集體人格。第四,社群編輯面對惡劣的勞動條件與技術低落的刻板印象,在工作實踐中逐漸累積專業知識,憑藉獨有的社群操作技巧及社群敏感度,重新塑造社群編輯勞動主體並建構職業認同。


With the flourish of social media marketing, social media editor plays a gradually significant role in digital marketing. This research inquires into the process of content generating on Facebook pages, and analyzes the position and labor of social media editor under political economics and marketing perspectives. Adopting Dallas Smythe's concept of audience commodity as analytical framework, this research examines the development of social media editor in terms of the audience and brand community. By exploring the relationship among social media editor, brand, and customer, this research also shed lights on the self-realization and job identity of social media editor as a full time job. This research categorizes Facebook pages into four types by their characteristics and promoting products to investigate the marketing strategies behind different categories. In addition, nine semi-structured in-depth interviews are adopted to illustrate the labor and the professional identity of social media editor. The findings of this research can be divided to four parts. First of all, social media marketing is a highly professional and product-oriented business. The same strategic plans can hardly be applied to all relevant industries. Editors create specific methods according to the characteristics of each product of brands and their targeted purpose. Second, this research establishes a framework of audience commodity on Facebook page to elaborate the roles of Facebook, brand, social media editor, and the audience. Third, though social media editors manage a brand's online image, their “personality” on social media platform is created by social media editors, brands, and the audience. Last, in spite of enduring relatively poor working conditions and stereotype as a low-skill job, social media editors cultivate their own professional skills to reconstruct labor subjectivity and job identity through their work practices.


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