  • 學位論文


The Impact of Leveraging IoT to the Management of Organic Food Companies in Taiwan: A Case Study of Y Company

指導教授 : 黃仕斌


物聯網(Internet of Things)一詞的起源最早是由麻省理工學院教授凱文‧艾斯頓(Kevin Ashton)於1999年提出,隨著網路傳輸速度增加與無線射頻識別技術的成熟,物聯網為人們生活及產業生態帶來了全面且巨大的影響。 物聯網的本質在於「連接性」(Connectivity),或者更精確地說「互聯性」(Interconnectivity)。不僅僅是物品之間的連接,更是顧客、合作夥伴與供應商之間的連接。企業已經不能再像以往包辦所有的工作或是固守僵化線性的作業流程,而是與夥伴之間形成一個更為彈性、開放的生態系統,為顧客提供產品、服務或是解決問題。 食衣住行育樂是人的基本需求,其中吃得安全與健康在食安風暴之後更引起社會大眾的注目與重視。在這樣的背景下,台灣有機業逐漸盛行,成為民眾購買安心健康食品的主要選擇之一。食品安全問題帶動有機銷售的成長,有機零售市場不僅成為傳統與新興通路皆有意加入的戰場,更要面對來自物聯網所帶來的基礎設施、銷售管道、巨量資訊與消費者購買習慣的改變等,這龐大改變究竟是助力或是阻力?太多無法完全掌控的因素,考驗著業者的經營智慧。 本研究希望從物聯網的興起所帶來的資訊技術改變來探討對台灣有機業者,主要對有機業者產銷管理模式的影響,在兼顧食品安全、人身健康與企業理念之餘,還可以提供哪些新興的服務、整合哪些通路形態,創造更多價值。


In 1999, Kevin Ashton of Auto-ID Center of MIT mentioned the concept of “IoT” in the speech to Procter & Gamble Company, IoT has become more and more relevant and influential in people’s daily life and the whole industry. The essence of IoT is “connectivity”, or to be more precisely, “interconnectivity” between not only “things”, but also between customers, partners and suppliers. Companies can no longer preserve the “We-do-it-all” strategy or stick to the rigid liner supply chain and processes. Instead they should be constructing a more agile and flexible ecosystem with their partners to provide products, services or solutions. Safe and healthy food, which has gained increasing attention from the popularity since the 2014 oil scandals, is the basic need of human subsistence. Organic chain stores have become a major choice when purchasing groceries and demanded significant market share in organic market. While facing the tremendous challenges in infrastructure, channels, data and customer behavior brought by IoT, organic chain stores are also threatened by other competitors such as retailers or whole sale stores who are eager to join the organic market. Through secondary data analysis, case study methods and in-depth interview methods to study the production and marketing management of organic companies in Taiwan, and how the company responds in providing new services or solutions, coordinating different channels and creating more value for customers when facing the challenge of IoT.


IoT Business models Big data Organic food company


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