  • 學位論文


Transporting Polygonal Objects Along User-Sketched Guidance Paths

指導教授 : 黃世強


在電腦圖學和機器人領域中,以人為基礎之合作事件的模擬具有相當的重要性。這篇論文中,我們提出了一個沿著使用者繪製的路線搬運多邊形物體的技術。場景中可包含障礙物。我們使用兩個人去搬運物體,並有兩種推力的操作: 直推和旋轉推。首先,我們提出一個路線簡化和調整的方法去處理使用者繪製的路線。接著,我們提出一個以”推”的計畫去精煉搬運路線的技術。而藉由兩個不同的路線精煉目的我們可以得到對應的最佳的路線。我們定義了兩個精煉目的:一個為最小化搬運過程中物體的旋轉成本,另一個為最小化運輸軌跡的偏移。最佳的搬運路線除了可以避免物體和障礙物碰撞,另外也提供了一個推的計畫讓人在搬運物體時依循計畫變換推面。我們將技術應用在搬運三角形物體ˋ 四邊形物體ˋ 五邊形物體上。


In computer graphics and robotics, the simulation of cooperative tasks in agent-based crowd simulation is important. In this thesis, we present techniques to transport polygonal objects along user-sketched guidance paths in environments with static obstacles. The transportation is manipulated by two-agent cooperation, and two push-manipulations are applied: straight-push and rotate-push. The two agents can change the faces of the polygonal objects for pushing in the process of transportation. Our approach has two major stages. The first stage is a path simplification method for sketched guidance paths. The second stage computes the refined guidance paths and the plans for pushing the polygonal objects. The refined guidance paths are computed based on two objective costs which are rotation and displacement costs. The polygonal objects can be pushed based on the plans along the refined guidance paths while collision avoidance can be achieved for the surrounding static obstacles. Furthermore, the agents may change their formation to push different faces of the polygonal objects. We applied our method for transporting triangle objects, quadrilateral objects, and pentagon objects in environments with static box-shaped obstacles.


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