  • 學位論文


A Study of Corporation’s Constitutional Right to Privacy — Focusing on the Legal System of the United States and Insights for Taiwan

指導教授 : 張兆恬


法人不僅是現代社會的重要成員,也是自然人參與社會生活不可或缺的管道。法人為憲法上基本權利主體,近來因美國聯邦最高法院分別在Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission案、Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.案肯定法人政治性言論自由、宗教信仰自由,而再次掀起學界與實務界的關注。否定論者質疑承認法人基本權利,有過度擴張法人權利,法人與基本權利本質不符,甚至造成法人與自然人基本權利衝突的疑慮。肯定論者則支持法人在本質上即具有受基本權利保護的資格,或以保障自然人之基本權利為終極目的,賦予法人基本權利實有其必要性與正當性。   為研究法人為憲法上隱私權主體,本文汲取美國法的啟示,於第二章論述法人作為基本權利主體的歷史進程,從本質論、目的論加以觀察。本質論與目的論的分析,雖有助於理解司法實務肯定法人人格的基本態度,但用於個別基本權利的分析,仍嫌不足。本文於第三章導入「法人權利理論」作為思考法人基本權利正當性與必要性之方法論,以「法人權利理論」重訪美國聯邦最高法院之判決。進而,本文於第四章從隱私權的發展沿革、社會整體性脈絡,考察並重新界定隱私權的意義與本質,將前一章的法人權利理論適用於憲法上的隱私權,以建構本文法人憲法上隱私權的體系。第五章則將法人憲法上隱私權落實於具體法律,分別以大規模監控、集體勞動權的隱私保障為子題,提出法人憲法上隱私權的研究實益。最後於第六章提出本文的結論與對我國法的未來展望。賦予法人憲法上隱私權,並不是純粹擴張法人的權利,而是以「人」為終極保障的目標,完善更健全的人權保障體系。


A corporation not only plays an essential role in the modern society, but it is also an indispensable vehicle for individuals to interact within the society. Recently, the Supreme Court of the United States made two influential but arguable cases, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission in 2010 and Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. in 2014, which respectively recognized that corporations have freedom of political speech and freedom of religion. These two cases set milestones on the issue of “corporate’s personhood of the Constitution”. The subsequences gave rise to a series of debate rather form stable precedents. The critics contend that recognizing corporates’ freedom of political speech and religion is an overexpansion of the protection of the fundamental rights. With regard to the nature of the rights, they worry that corporations are not in conformity with those fundamental rights, and it may exist conflicts between corporations’ and individuals’ fundamental rights. Compared to the criticism, the affirmatives stand for the cases for several arguments. Firstly, corporations are eligible for fundamental rights based on their nature. Secondly, to protect individuals ultimately, there is legitimacy and necessity to recognize corporations’ fundamental rights.   With regards to the study on “corporations’ right to privacy”, this Dissertation learns from the insights of the legal system of the United States. First of all, in Chapter Two, this Dissertation articulates the historical development of corporations’ personhood from the viewpoints of Ontology and Teleology. The analyses of Ontology and Teleology are beneficial to the understanding of this issue, but it seems too insufficient to study on corporations’ respective fundamental rights. In Chapter Three, this Dissertation introduces the “Corporate’s Right Theory” as the mechanism to figure out the legitimacy and necessity of the corporations’ fundamental rights, and it also utilizes this theory to review the precedents of the Supreme Court of the United States. In Chapter Four, this Dissertation traces back to the origins and development of “the right to privacy” to re-define and evaluate this right through the lens of contextual integrity. Then, this Dissertation applies the “Corporate’s Right Theory” to the constitutional right to privacy to structure the system of “Corporation’s Constitutional Right to Privacy” of this Dissertation. In Chapter Five, this Dissertation practices the “Corporation’s Constitutional Right to Privacy” on two issues, which are “mass surveillance” and “privacy protection of the collective labor rights”, and proves the value of “Corporation’s Constitutional Right to Privacy”. Last but not least, in Chapter Six, this Dissertation provides the conclusions of the study and the prospective suggestions for Taiwan’s legal system. This Dissertation has to state again that recognizing corporations’ personhood does not merely extend the protection of fundamental rights, but to protect individuals ultimately, and it may refine a more constructive system of human rights protection.


Glenn Greenwald著,林添貴譯,《政府正在監控你:史諾登揭密》,時報文化:臺北,2014年5月。
Michael D. Yates著,區龍宇、陳慧敏譯,《為何我們需要工會?:美國工會運動簡介》,唐山:臺北,2015年3月。
