  • 學位論文


Information-theoretic analysis on Deep Learning

指導教授 : 張正宏


人工智慧裡的深度學習近年來帶給科技界重大的衝擊,深度神經網路的學習過 程本質相同於統計物理的趨向平衡問題。對於深度學習動態系統的探討有助於瞭解與學習機制有關的生物問題,例如腦神經網路的成型及生物新演化論。本論文運用資訊論工具來探討此問題,包含以互訊息剖析深度神經網路動態系統的兩相變換,以及運用訊息瓶頸理論觀查該動態系統的最後收斂點。


The recent breakthrough of Deep Learning has had a great impact on science and technology. The training process of Deep Neural Network is essentially the same as the problem of approaching equilibrium in Statistical Physics. The objective of this thesis is to understand this process by utilizing tools in Information Theory. The content includes using Mutual Information to analyze the phase transition during the training process and applying the Information Bottleneck theory to understand how the training dynamics converges to its final state.


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