  • 學位論文


Measurement of particle contact behavior

指導教授 : 黃安斌 單信瑜


現有顆粒力學多藉由量測組成顆粒之位態分佈,以評估其對集合體行為之影響,缺乏內部顆粒間實際接觸行為之量測方法。應用顆粒力學之數值分析方法亦缺少接觸力量測量,致使其中部分參數仍須仰賴經驗方法,並不具有實際之物理意義。筆者研製一種智慧石頭(Smart Stone),其表面裝置有12片觸覺感測器(Tactile sensor)用以提供其表面12組正向接觸力量測;一個九軸慣性量測單元(Inertia Measurement Unit, IMU),用以提供其相對於導航座標系統之旋轉姿態;超寬頻模組(Ultra-wideband, UWB),使其得以與鄰近至多12個已知觀測點之超寬頻模組進行測距,並藉由空間定位演算法推估其空間座標。本研究最終將智慧石頭用於大型二維單剪試驗,從內部顆粒的角度量測顆粒性材料受剪時內部顆粒的軌跡、位態與表面接觸力之變化。智慧石頭於試驗過程中持續將量測值藉由超寬頻模組回傳至接收端之超寬頻模組,並藉由筆者所撰寫之Matlab程式自動擷取、解算上述量測量,自動匯出三維旋轉姿態與力量向量投影圖。本研究中大型二維單剪試驗之量測數據將來可與離散元素法(Discrete Element Method, DEM)互相驗證,彌補顆粒力學與DEM所缺少之內部顆粒接觸行為量測,並提供DEM經驗參數之參考與優化。


顆粒 接觸 DEM Arduino UWB 3D列印


This paper describes a particle contact behavior measuring method from the view of the particle. Smart Stone, a sensor which includes a 9-axis IMU (Inertia Measurement Unit), an UWB (Ultra-wideband) and 12 tactile sensors, namely, allows the determination of its orientation, trace and 12 contact forces, was developed to pretend itself as a particle composed of a granular mass and keep recording its contact behaviors between adjacent particles. In this way, a comparison can be made with the behavior predicted by numerical model such as DEM (Discrete Element Method) in the future. A simplified two-dimensional DSS test (Direct Simple Shear) was performed in the end of this paper to verify the functions of Smart Stone, measurements are all indeed measured in practice.


Granular Contact DEM Arduino UWB 3D printing


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