  • 學位論文


The Awry Spectrum

指導教授 : 何震寰


生活是反覆的日常活動,日復一日我們依循著生存意識,穿梭在室與室、內與外、棟與棟之間。以人的一日為主軸,將這些生活的痕跡串連起來,成為生活的頻率。以不同生物為主角,與或長或短的時間軸排列組合,找出各式各樣的生物活動頻率。小尺度可為一個家屋,大尺度為一個聚落、城市,皆是觀察對象。 「光譜」之於英文Spectrum,根據韋氏字典(Merriam-Webster)定義為在特定範圍內連續不斷,並且具有兩個極值作為端點的,光譜將所有連續的可能性依照一個「最大公約數」展開成一個連續的帶狀;而「傾斜」相較於光譜的客觀性,試圖相對主觀而個人的切入。以「傾斜的光譜」作為本書的標題,試圖建構作者自身的設計方法論,並在每一項練習中提取一個特定的切入點,讓客觀的觀測立場產生偏移,於是觀點產生傾斜。 設計是不停地來來回回。如在課堂中,老師曾試圖捕捉一種在平衡中即將失衡的狀態,彷彿在即將墮入睡眠之前的昏昏欲睡、似醒非睡,抑或同學曾經反覆地重複灌模,在複製物品的過程中,產生邊緣逐漸模糊剝離的狀態。這種弔詭的情況,我在波赫士的短文中獲得指認: ⋯⋯在突倫最古老的地區,人們時常複製遺失的東西。兩個人尋找一支鉛筆,第一個人找著了,一言不發;第二個人找到了另一支鉛筆,和原來的一樣真,但卻更接近他的預期。 於是逐漸明瞭我所尋找的那個沒有名字的,存在於日復一日的重複之中,正等著被指認而獲得屬於它的名字。在此藉由「光譜」將過去三年尋覓所留下的足跡串連起來,作為一個結束以及再開始的地方。


日常 連續 重複 指認


Life is repetitive. We went through the same routine room by room, indoor and outdoor, building by building with our sense of survival every day. As life cycle, the trace of routine was made of someone’s daily life. To find out life cycles of all kind of creatures by composing of different kind of creatures and long or short chronology. It could be a house in micro, or a village, city in macro. All of them could be observed. According to the definition of Merriam-Webster, the SPECTRUM as a continuous sequence or range. AWRY means in a turned or twisted position or direction. The Awry Spectrum as the title of the thesis book was trying to build up a design process of the writer. Moreover, providing a specific point to read each project in the beginning of each section. And the objective sequence of observation started shifting. Finally it began the awry spectrum. So many good ideas came and left in every design process. In the past discussion, my teacher trying to describe the condition as a sleepy condition between waking and sleeping. And my classmate was trying to represent the boundary of blurring and flaking off through the process of plaster modeling. Until I read the following section from Jorge Luis Borges. ......in the oldest region in Tlon, people often duplicated something they lost. Two people were finding a pencil. One found it and stayed silent, until another one found another pencil. The other pencil was as the same as the first one, but more closer to the other one's expectation. I realized that I was doing the same thing as Tlon people, trying to find something that existed but without a name to be real existing. Therefore, here came the thesis book as a conclusion of the past three years working on finding and identifying out those existing things.


Routine Continuity Repetition Identifying


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