  • 學位論文


A Study on Adjacent Property Damage Caused by Construction in Zhubei City and the Surrounding Area

指導教授 : 黃世昌


本研究以新竹縣竹北市及周邊地區〈含新竹市及新竹縣鄰近其他鄉鎮〉所發生的建築施工損鄰事件為主要研究範圍,本地區為近年來大新竹地區房市最熱絡區域之一,因建築工地之進行,確實對周遭環境及房屋產生很大的影響,也會對鄰近住戶造成不便,如果建築工程發生疏失,可能建築災害及損鄰事件接踵而來,不但造成營建業者及受損戶生命財產的損失,過程中更會消耗許多社會成本。 本研究係採文獻回顧、專家訪談及問卷調查等方式,加以統計分析比較,探討目前竹北地區建築損鄰處理情形,主要研究結果有以下五點: 一、 都市計畫地區發生建築損鄰事件遠大於都市計畫外地區,又以新竹市及竹北市為最大宗,所以都會區人口密集地區是最容易發生建築損鄰事件的地區,相對來看新竹市屬於舊市區又比新市區的竹北市更可能產生建築損鄰事件。 二、 本研究問卷資料得出損鄰事件問題的嚴重性排序,其中又以「損鄰事件勒索集團之困擾」為第1順位最嚴重。 三、 損鄰地點以建築工程開挖點距離鄰房10公尺以內為大多數,離工地開挖點越近越容易發生,同時超過大樓建案地下室開挖深度三倍距離以上,會發生損害鄰房的比例就微乎其微。 四、 工程進行在地下室開挖及施作時,發生損鄰機會佔大多數。值得注意是損鄰狀況有一定比例發生在建築物的結構體接近完成時,可能因為高空作業會產生建材掉落、灌漿泥塊污損鄰房及高空吊裝作業等容易受新竹風大影響鄰房。 五、 現場發生施工損鄰時成立「緊急處理小組」的比例不高,顯見國內營建廠商業者不太重視災害處理,如果要提升國內相關建築產業的競爭力,這個環節是需要加強的。


營建業 損鄰事件 建築爭議


The main filed of this research are events of adjacent property damage caused by construction in Zhubei City, Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City and the surrounding area. The real estate markets of these areas are one of the most prosperous in Greater Hsinchu region in recent year. Since the construction activities indeed have huge impact on surrounding environment and buildings, they will lead to inconvenience to the neighborhood residents. If engineering negligence happen, construction and adjacent property damages will occurrence frequently, and they will not only cause both construction companies and residents great loss of life and property, but also consume a lot of society cost. The main approaches of this research include literature review, expert interview and questionnaire survey, and we analyze further by statistics and comparison to investigate the situation of adjacent property damage in Zhubei area recently. The main study results consist of five points below: A. Adjacent property damage events happen much more heavily in the areas of urban planning division than the places that outside from them, especially in Hsinchu City and Zhubei City. Hence, adjacent property damageevents take place in the urban areas, where the population density are high, much more easily. Further, Hsinchu City, which is an old urban area, has more chance for adjacent property damageevents happening than Zhubei City, a new urban area, in comparison. B. The statistical data from questionnaire survey show that the harassments of extortion rings due to adjacent property damage events is the first place in the severity sequence of problem overall. C. The closer the place to the construction site, the more chance that adjacent property damage events will happen, mostly the adjacent building is away from the construction site in 10 meters. Meantime, the distance more than about triple to the excavation depth, the chance of damaging adjacent housed will be very little. D. The adjacent property damages happen mostly in basement excavation and process. Notice that there are some chances that adjacent property damages happen when the structure of buildings nearly complete, the reasons may be the materials fall from high altitude, mud of grouting pollute the adjacent house, and the hoisting process affect the adjacent due to the heavy wind of Hsinchu. E. Less ratio that emergency teams are established when adjacent property damage events happen in-situ, so it is obvious that domestic construction companies pay little attention to disaster management. The crucial point must be improved if domestic construction-related industry wants to enhance the competitiveness.


1. 內政部營建署,「營造業法」,內政部營建署,2003。
2. 內政部營建署,「建築技術規則」,內政部營建署,1945。
3. 內政部營建署,「建築法」,內政部營建署,1938。
4. 新竹縣政府,「新竹縣不動產開發業管理自治條例〈草案〉」,新竹縣政府,2013。
5. 新竹縣政府,「新竹縣建築爭議事件處理辦法」,新竹縣政府,2007。
