  • 學位論文


Plants and Hakka Life World : the Case Study of Da-ai Area

指導教授 : 張維安


植物和人類的生活息息相關,舉凡食衣住行、育樂、醫藥、節慶、禮俗、產業都和植物有著密切的連結,植物在自然界中扮演著生產者的角色,各個族群運用周遭植物的生活經驗,進而演化出獨特的族群文化智慧,本文以新竹縣大隘地區常見的植物,探討當地客家族群運用周邊植物的生活智慧。 大隘地區屬於低度開發的偏鄉地區,沒有工業開發帶來的汙染,自然生態景觀豐富,當地客家居民經由自然觀察、生活體驗與經驗的傳承,長久以來與日常活中隨手可得的植物,產生了密不可分的生活關聯,累積了許多生活上慣常使用的知識。不過,在教育不普及的年代,植物的利用知識大都只能靠著口耳相傳,很少訴之文字,加上年輕世代的經濟生活方式不同,許多日常生活實作的經驗無法傳遞給年輕的一代,久而久之必日漸被遺忘,加上耆老日漸凋零,前人運用民族植物的生活智慧,恐怕會日漸消失殆盡;針對民間運用民族植物的生活智慧正逐漸式微的這個現象,本文希望藉由研究,讓我們更進一步的理解過去這個地區的客家民眾,如何運用周邊的植物來處理、解決日常生活的需要,激發大眾重視這個領域,體認人類與土地密不可分,與自然界生物共存共榮的生態倫理關係。 本文研究結論,應加強客家文化的傳承,特別是這種日常生活實作文化的傳承,讓上一代應用民族植物的生活智慧,能夠延續給年輕的下一代,讓大家有機會認識身邊的許多植物的名稱及其與我們生活的關係。藉由前人的經驗來看生活周遭的植物對人類生活的價值,進一步的說,如果我們了解這些身邊的植物能夠幫助我們解決日常生活裡頭的一些需要,我們將更加的珍惜,更想去認識這些植物,進而更加的疼惜這一塊土地,為後代子孫留下一片生態豐富、永續的淨土。這些知識裝備,不只是能夠豐富我們的日常生活,面對著當代工業社會,也可以進一步思考如何發揮客庄的在地特色產業,創造商機,年輕人可以通過進一步的轉化回鄉創業,甚至進一步爭取跨界的創業合作,或者公部門的支援,以地方豐富的生態資源為基礎,發揮前人的日常生活智慧,轉化成活化地方的「產業」(或者是一種更具創意的生計形式),以促進大隘地區的繁榮發展。


植物 民族植物 生活智慧 大隘地區 客家


Plants have long been closely connected with human life in many aspects: foods, clothes, housing, transportation, entertainment, medication, festivals, industries, etc. In the world of nature, plants play the role of producer. By the experience of using plants in their living circumstances, every ethnic group develops its unique cultural wisdom. Based on the common plants in Da-ai area, this thesis tries to explore the life wisdom that the local Hakka people have in using them. Da-ai area is a low developed rural district. We can see no industrial pollution but only charming ecological landscape there. Through nature observation, life experimentation and experience passing down generation from generation, local Hakka residents have been closely linked to plants at their fingertips for a long time and thus have accumulated a good deal of life knowledge. However, in times gone by when education was not so universal, the knowledge of using plants could only be transferred orally in most cases whilst only few documents could be seen. Moreover, younger generation lives different economic lifestyle. For the sake of it, most of the experience of using ethnic plants in the daily life is being uprooted as time goes by. Plus the elderly are passing away one by one. their life wisdom of ethnobotany is therefore inevitably being consigned to oblivion. To improve this phenomenon and deter this trend, I hope, through the research of this thesis, we can further understand how the local Hakka in that district satisfy their daily needs by applying the plants. Also, I hope this thesis can stir the public to pay more attention to this realm, to truthfully realize the intimacy between mankind and land, and to see clearly the ecological ethics of all species' mutual living and prosperity in the Mother Nature. Conclusion of this thesis: I think we should enhance the transmission of Hakka culture, expecially that of plants implementation in daily life. Let us pass down the wisdom of ethnobotony to the next generation, In that way, let them have the chance to know the names of many plants around them and to know the relationship between plants and human being. From the experience of predecessors, we can see the value of plants to our life. Furthermore, if we perceive these plants can help satisfy our daily needs, we will cherish and try to know them more. As a result of that, we will more love and care our land, which will be a ecologically bountiful and everlasting promised land for our offspring. The knowledge equiments will not only enrich our daily lives, but also, when facing the modern industrialized society, help us think deeply of how to highlight the characteristics of Hakka area's local industries, create business opportunities, and allure younger generation into starting a business at home. Moreover, by starting a business at home, young people can seek opportunities of cross-border cooperation or seek funding from government. On the basis of local diverse ecological resources and predecessors' life widsom, we can, by transference, activate local industries (or a more creative livelihood style). Da-ai district will thus be prosperous.


Plants Ethnobotany Life Wisdom Da-ai Area Hakka


