  • 學位論文


Continuous Monitoring the Ambient Factors via ε-Smooth Support Vector Regression

指導教授 : 李育杰


近年來,隨著物聯網領域的擴增,無線傳感器網絡有更加廣泛的應⽤,本研究之⽬的為無線傳感器網絡(WSNs)在全域性環境持續監控⽅⾯的應⽤,藉由建構結合空間性與時序性的ε-SSVR全域模型,並以三維空間視覺化的⽅式輸出全域熱圖來進⾏環境因素(溫度、濕度等等) 持續性監控。然⽽,對於需要多個感測器的空間場域,如何避免因為感測器建構的成本考量或環境因素所導致之資訊稀疏性,使得監控結果產生覆蓋洞問題,影響監控的精準度,是極重要的⼯作。因此,我們採⽤⼯業上均勻設計實驗Uniform Design(UD) 的⽅式來增設空間的虛擬感測點,為了反映出同溫層之特性,使⽤改良版的Inverse Distance Weighting(IDW) 來進⾏虛擬感測點的插值,改善全域性的覆蓋洞問題。在我們實驗中,發現加⼊虛擬感測點以及結合時序性模型能解決覆蓋洞問題並有效增加預測精準度。


In recent years, with the expansion of the Internet of Things, wireless sensor networks have become more widely used. The purpose of this research is to apply wireless sensor networks (WSNs) to continuously monitor global environments factors (temperature, humidity,etc.) by developing a spatial and temporal ε-SSVR global model and constructing a global heat map in a three-dimensional visual manner. However, for the spatial field that requires multiple sensors, how to avoid the information sparsity due to the cost considerations of the sensor deployment or environmental factors so that the monitoring results do not cause coverage hole problem and affect the accuracy is extremely important. Therefore, we use the industry uniform design experiment(UD) to add virtual sensors. In order to reflect the characteristics of the stratosphere, a modified version of Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) is used to interpolate the virtual sensors to improve the coverage hole problem. In our experiments, it was found that adding virtual sensors and combining temporal model can solve the coverage hole problem and effectively increase the prediction accuracy.


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