  • 學位論文


Precoding for CoMP transmission in Small cell Networks

指導教授 : 伍紹勳




Coordination multi-point (CoMP) transmission scheme is introduced as an effective and promising technology that manages and mitigates interference to improve network performance and reliability. In this thesis, we use resource allocation to obtain new precoding matrices for a downlink CoMP coordinated beamforming (CB) in a small cell network. The trade-off between cell-average and cell-edge user spectral-efficiency is addressed by the application of proportional- fair scheduling using MIMO transmit precoding and proportional- fair resource allocation. A parallel successive convex approximation (SCA) – based algorithm is introduced, as the resource allocation problem becomes non- convex due to the interferences from the neighboring users, to solve for the optimal operating point (precoding and power allocation) in a MIMO CoMP network setup. A sequence of strongly convex sub-problems is now solved using the algorithm, enabling the access points (AP) to update their optimization variables in parallel. The optimal precoding matrices and the closed-form expression for an optimal power allocation are derived. The performance of the new precoder is studied by comparing with the performance of a zero-forcing precoder through simulations.


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