  • 學位論文


A Sharing Platform of Checkup Report Based on Blockchain

指導教授 : 古政元


過去數年來,國內醫療院所已提供病患可用線上平台的方式取得檢驗報告。然而,這些檢驗報告目前僅能提供病患透過網站存取,但民眾沒辦法直接使用網路直接授權分享給其他院所進行瀏覽,其問題出在身份的驗證流程上的繁瑣,中心化的儲存醫療檢驗報告方式也難以預防檢驗報告是否有被竄改的嫌疑。本研究欲透過以太坊為主的聯盟區塊鏈來建立跨醫院之間檢驗數據報告分享的平台,並透過區塊鏈的不可篡改性,來鞏固病患健檢資訊的完整性; 透過令牌的設計來保障用戶檢驗報告的隱私性; 以智能合約來提供病患可進行授權其他醫療院存取自身的健檢數據。為了能夠有效與傳統醫療系統做介接,本研究的資料格式設計亦採納國際醫療交換標準HL7/CDA標準,以提升醫療檢驗報告資訊交換的效率。


In recent years, medical institutions in Taiwan provide patients with access to the online platform to obtain medical inspection reports. However, these medical inspection report can only retrieve online, and there is no convenient way to share the medical inspection report to other institutions. The reason is that the authentication for online report access is cumbersome. Besides, centralized storage medical inspection report method is still vulnerable to prevent the inspection report from being tampered. This study intends to create a blockchain network for cross-hospital healthcare checkup report sharing with the Ethereum consortium blockchain and consolidating the integrity of patient medical inspection report via the immutable feature provided by the blockchain. With smart contracts and token-based design, we provide patients to not only authorize other hospitals to have access right for their checkup report, but also protect their security and privacy during data exchange. Finally, the data format in our proposed system follows the international medical exchange standard HL7/CDA to improve the efficiency of medical data exchange.


[1] HL7 International, “Health Level Seven International Home Page.” [Online]. Available: http://www.hl7.org/. [Accessed: 09-Jul-2019].
[2] HL7 International, “HL7 Standards Product Brief - CDA® Release 2.” [Online]. Available: https://www.hl7.org/implement/standards/product_brief.cfm?product_id=7. [Accessed: 09-Jul-2019].
[3] Health Level Seven International, “HL7 FHIR R4 Home Page.” [Online]. Available: https://www.hl7.org/fhir/. [Accessed: 09-Jul-2019].
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[5] 衛生福利部中央健康保險署, “健保醫療資訊雲端查詢系統.” [Online]. Available: https://www.nhi.gov.tw/Content_List.aspx?n=8FD3AB971F557AD4&topn=CA428784F9ED78C9. [Accessed: 09-Jul-2019].
