  • 學位論文


Cooperative Transportation Based on Leader-Follower UAVs System without Interagent Communication

指導教授 : 程登湖


近年來,無人機載貨逐漸被應用在各種場合,甚至開始商業化,然而受限於續航力以及負荷能力的問題,單台無人機載貨受到負載能力不足的限制,為了解決負載能力不足的問題,使用多台無人機載貨的議題被提出。多機運送能明顯改善負荷能力的不足,同時也增加系統續航力。然而在使用多台無人機載貨的應用中,必須要協調各台無人機的運動,這使得無人機之間的通訊以及演算法就顯得相當重要。為了改善這種問題,許多方法被提出,其中一種為利用無人機和載物之間的受力來取代無人機之間的通訊並搭配合適的控制器,使得系統在通訊不良或無通訊的情況下依然可以運作。 本篇論文致力於主從式無人機之協作運輸方案。在分析系統的運動模型時,系統將被視為非完整約束運動(Nonholonomic motion),以便於作之後的運動控制器設計。為了降低成本,使用了力估測器取代昂貴的力感測器,只需用到飛控板中的感測器資訊即可進行力估測。另外針對主機和從機分別設計不同之控制器,並提供了Lyapunov穩定度分析,證明了系統在提出的控制器控制下是穩定。最後給出了系統的應用情景,針對在已知的環境中進行路徑規劃以及在運輸過程中任意改變追蹤路徑。本篇將透過模擬進行分析。


A leader-follower system is developed for cooperative transportation in this work. The main advantages are that interagent communication is not required and the reference trajectory of the payload can be modified by the leader in realtime, so that it can be applied to dynamically changing environment. To track the modified reference trajectory in realtime under the communication-free condition, the motion pattern of the leader-follower system is modeled as a nonholonomic system such that the system can be considered as a car-like robot. Controller is developed for the leader so that asymptotic tracking of the payload can be achieved. To eliminate the installation of force sensor, UKFs (unscented Kalman filters) are developed to estimate the forces applied by the leader and follower. Stability analysis is conducted to prove the tracking error of the closed-loop system. Simulations are demonstrated to evaluate the performance of the tracking controller.


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