  • 學位論文


Child Death Review: Protecting Child’s Right to Life and Survival

指導教授 : 林志潔 劉淑瓊


我國目前正面臨嚴重的少子化問題,不僅生育率逐年下降,且相較於其他經濟合作暨發展組織國家,嬰幼兒死亡率偏高,近年來並屢次發生重大兒虐致死事件,使兒童死亡防治及兒少保護成為政府亟待處理的問題。此外,我國於2014年透過兒童權利公約施行法之制定,已正式將兒童權利公約及其相關國際人權規範體系與我國國內法體系介接,宣示我國保障兒童權利之決心,兒童生存發展權作為兒童權利公約之四大基本原則之一,且為其他兒童權利得以落實之重要前提,國家自應參酌兒童權利公約及兒童權利委員會之規範及相關解釋保障兒童生存權,除協助家庭及社會實踐兒童權利外,並應採取具體行動、運用最大可用之資源,以確保所有兒童得以身心健全地成長發展。 本研究之目的,是希望能瞭解我國保障兒童生存權之現況及問題,並且從我國2018年辦理司法改革國是會議就兒少保護議題之建議,探討於我國建構兒童死亡檢視機制,是否有助於改善我國在兒童死亡防治工作遭遇之困境,並研議相關可行作法,以回應我國保障兒童生存權之迫切需求。 本研究透過文獻研究法,探討兒童權利公約及相關國際人權規範體系有關兒童生存權之相關規定及我國落實現況、兒童死亡之原因及影響因素、我國兒少保護機制之建立及運作方式等事項;另以比較法研究方式,參酌美國、英國、澳洲、紐西蘭等國家有關兒童死亡檢視機制之立法例及相關實務,進而分析於我國建構兒童死亡檢視機制之可行作法;並以訪談研究法,分別以負責承辦兒童死亡及兒童虐待事件之社政、檢察及衛政等實務工作者及我國於2018年推行兒童死亡回顧地方先驅研究計畫之實際參與人員為訪談對象,瞭解我國就兒童死亡及兒少保護事件之預防、調查、處理機制及其問題、因應措施,以及我國試辦兒童死亡回顧個案檢視會議之運作情形,俾配合兒童及少年福利與權益保障法於2019年修正後,將兒童死亡檢視機制正式予以法制化,提出對於我國日後建構兒童死亡檢視機制相關制度設計之建議及相關應行注意事項,以期能更有效運用我國現有之資源,營造更適合兒童生存發展之環境。


Being a country having almost the lowest birth rate of the world and the highest infant death rate compared with other OECD country, Taiwan has faced increasing pressure to combat fertility decline, prevent child death and enhance child and youth protective measures regarding child maltreatment. Since the “Implementation Act of the Convention on the Rights of the Child” was passed in 2014, it is the duty of the Taiwan government to harmonize its legal system, policies and administrative measures with the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), including the fundamental principle to protect child’s right to life, survival and development. As a response to the urging need to protect child’s right to life and right to survival, one of the recommendations of the National Conference on Judicial Reform suggest introducing child death review (CDR). Aiming to know whether introducing child death review will help the Government to respect, protect and fulfill the child’s right to life and right to survival and how do these action work, this research divides into three parts. This thesis first analyses the framework of CRC, the meaning and the duty to the implementation of child’s right to life and right to survival, efforts made by Taiwan government and the concluding observation made by the Review Committee of the initial report of Taiwan. The second part goes to child death and child maltreatment by review regulations, policies and protective measures of prevention, investigation and disposal. The third part includes comparative study to know how other countries using CDR to prevent child death and the empirical study about Taiwan’s experience of implementing child death review by in-depth interview with attendants of a pilot study from social welfare, judicial and health authorities. Finally, this thesis come up with recommendations concerning the implementation of article 13 of“The Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act” which demands Central competent health authority conduct retrospective analyses of the deaths of children under 6, hoping to create more friendly environment which ensures the holistic development of every child.


1.John R. Weeks著,涂肇慶、侯苗苗譯,《人口學-觀念與議題》,新加坡商聖智學習國際出版有限公司,台北(2010)。
