  • 學位論文


Slope Surface Compliant Motion Control Design of a Walking Help Robot

指導教授 : 宋開泰


本論文發展一個全向性的行走輔助機器人(Walking helper robot, Walbot)來協助老年人與行動不便者在室內的行走。經由傾斜地面順應性運動控制設計,使Walbot可以在傾斜的地面下擁有被動式的行為,因此使用者可以安全地操控行走輔助機器人來順應自己的意向移動。透過所設計的外力估測器,行走輔助機器人可以得知使用者的意向,不需要使用昂貴的力/轉矩感測器,即可達到順應性運動之功能。當行走輔助機器人操作在斜坡上時,其自身的重力分力將會影響機器人的動態響應,透過特別設計的重力補償器,使用者能夠如同在水平地面般的在傾斜地面上操控行走輔助機器人。實驗結果驗證所設計的控制方法是確實可行的。


In this thesis, an omni-directional walking help robot (Walbot) is presented for assisting elderly or handicapped people in indoor walking. A compliant motion controller with gravity compensation has been designed to make this powered robotic walker with passive behavior on a slope surface. This design allows a user to handle the robot safely to follow his/her motion intent. In order to detect user's motion intent, an external-force observer has been developed to replace expensive force/torque sensors. On a slope surface, the gravity force will affect robot's dynamic motion and contradict to the user's motion intent. A gravity compensator is proposed and added to the compliant motion control loop. Then, the user can walk with the robot on the slope as if it is on a flat surface. The proposed control method has been validated by experimental results.


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