  • 學位論文


Structural Equation Modeling of Three Designed Balanced Scorecards for Taiwan Flower Industry

指導教授 : 梁高榮




Various structural equation models have been proposed for confirming three specially designed flower balanced scorecards in Taiwan. Essentially the flower industry in Taiwan consists of five supply chains, and each supply chain involves many firms. Also their daily flower transactions are collected as historical data stored in a data center. Furthermore three balanced scorecards have been designed for monitoring their performances at different levels: industry, supply chain, and firm. A research challenge is how to use the huge flower transactions to confirm the validation of the designed balanced scorecards. In this thesis, the balanced scorecard at the firm level is confirmed through a standard structural equation modeling analysis. In contrast, at the supply chain and industry levels, there exist a similar structure among supply chains and a hierarchical structure from industry to supply chains. For both salient features, specific structural equation models are proposed according to their structural relations. The balanced scorecards of five similar supply chains are confirmed through a multigroup analysis, but the balanced scorecard of industry is confirmed through a multilevel analysis. The analytical results confirm the validation of the three balanced scorecards mentioned above.


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