  • 學位論文


Application of TOC Demand-Pull Replenishment Policy on New Product Inventory Management of Semiconductor Industry

指導教授 : 張永佳




Inventory control is an important part of company performance. Theory of constraint is an effective method which combines demand-pull replenishment and buffer management to manage inventory, and it has been verified by literatures in past years. But there are limited literature researching on the timing and parameters of demand-pull replenishment policy, and application rule of new product. This study construct product application rule of theory of constraint replenishment policy by demand information and product characteristics of old products. This study first identifies demand pattern factors and product characteristics factors which describe demand property and product characteristics. And then it will use simulation of demand-pull replenishment policy on product historical demand data. Simulation results include parameter set of demand-pull replenishment policy and performance indicators. Next step will group the products which contain two steps; First step using statistical method grouping product which based on demand information. Second step will use performance indicators of simulation results and obtain the final grouping results. ANOVA analysis will use to identify suggestible replenishment policy parameters of individual product cluster. The final procedure is to construct product's classified model by demand factors and product characteristics which managers may have good decision ability on product's replenishment parameters, regardless product are old or new. This study use practical demand data on 37 products provided by a Taiwan wafer foundry company to demonstrate the proposed research methodology and found that demand pattern of product have relationship with demand-pull replenishment policy. Also we can find out product's demand pattern by its product characteristics by the model no matter the product is old or new. The study results can be a reference in practice for wafer relative industries for inventory management.


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