  • 學位論文


Selection of Strategic Alliance Partners:The Communications Industry in the Digital Convergence Era

指導教授 : 林亭汝


有線網路、無線網路、行動網路透過電信營運商提供的多重服務整合為單一帳單宣告數位匯流的新時代已經來臨,更多的整合服務帶來原有產業結構及經營模式的重新洗牌,新型態服務及異質網路的融合,使得網路設備、營運商、應用服務、軟體廠商重新整合資源建構新的價值鏈,以滿足消費者的需求。此一以服務為導向,而非以技術為導向的價值鏈重組,啟動電信營運商間、跨產業的互相結盟合作,並在既有的聯盟中發展多元的合作模式,本研究以網通產業為研究主體,藉由探討價值鏈中電信營運商、通訊晶片大廠、ICT大廠、網通設備廠之策略聯盟案例,輔以國內專家深度訪談,以找出網通設備廠商在尋求策略聯盟選擇潛在夥伴可行之合作對象與合作模式。 本研究主要結果歸納如下: 1.網通設備廠與電信營運商之策略聯盟強調合作文化構面: 雖然電信營運商與網通廠目標分歧,電信營運商持續以硬體補貼之終端策略無助於網通廠與電信營運商間進一步的合作; 但對於拓展新事業,可藉由彼此過去聯盟合作經驗,在既有聯盟下加入新夥伴,將硬體的技術思維轉換為服務,透過軟體創新加值與結合既有之硬體設計優勢,提供軟硬整合度高之平台,延伸既有之技術力以開啟新技術或新商機合作之機會。 2.網通設備廠與其他網通設備商之策略聯盟強調風險分攤構面: 配合網通廠的轉型,善用股權策略聯盟,以技術合作和資本經營手段雙管齊下,深化聯盟成員間之結盟關係,在互補的產品線共同開發,以齊全產品組合,並達到規模經濟之策略目標。 3.網通設備廠與其他行業之策略聯盟強調互補能力構面: 選擇具代表性之行業領導廠商與之合作,以了解該行業之獨特性與客戶需求,結合社群與雲端應用,提供適合特定應用之高整合性產品與服務。跨界制定該行業連網相關之產業標準,期以發掘新藍海。 4.善用政府推動之策略聯盟組織為跨領域合作之入門,延伸網通廠商之核心能力,參與SIG (Special Interest Group)的運作,有利於在新領域的對等商機談判及價值鏈中佔有一席之地。


In the Digital Convergence Era, Internet infrastructure is mature, as it makes telecom and cable operators capable of providing multiple services that are included in one bill. It not only makes life much more convenient, but it also re-arranges existing industrial structures and business models. New types of services and heterogeneous network integration permit network equipment providers, operators, application services providers, and software vendors to re-integrate resources to build a new value chain that meets the consumers’ needs. This service-oriented, rather than a technology-driven value chain restructuring establishes an alliance between telecom operators, advances cross-industry cooperation and develops already existing partnerships to generate multiple patterns of cooperation. This thesis takes the communications industry as its research subject, an in-depth study of alliance cases of value chain members, such as telecom operators, key chipset providers, and major networking device providers, combined with in-depth interviews with experts to identify guidelines for selection of potential strategic alliance partners for networking device providers. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. The strategic alliance between telecom operators and device providers: emphasis is placed on cooperation and cultural dimensions: Although carriers and device providers have different missions and goals on mature products, telecom operators continue to subsidize terminals that no longer require deep cooperation. However, for new business development, it can still expand through these preexisting alliances to add new leading partners, to bring value-added services through software innovations within existing hardware platforms, which will provide high-integration capabilities for both hardware and software, thus creating new opportunities involving leading technologies and services. 2. The strategic alliance between device providers and other network equipment providers concerns an emphasis on risk assessment and risk sharing dimensions: With the transformation of the communications industry, use of equity strategic alliances and technology strategic alliances develops as two-armed cooperation approaches. It deepens the relationship on joint development of complementary product lines, in order to complete product portfolios and achieve economy of scale of the strategic alliance objectives. 3. In the strategic alliance cross-industry, complementary capabilities are stressed as part of a strategic alliance dimension: Selecting representative industry leaders that understand the unique know-how of this industry and its customers’ needs, combined with community power and cloud computing applications will provide highly integrated applications for specific applications in this industry, while aggressively contributing to the development of industry communications standards, to explore the opportunities held in this new, blue ocean. 4. Better use of Government sponsors and related alliances, as a new field entry, extending the core capabilities of communications expertise to participate in SIG (Special Interest Group) operations with industrial leaders, to use this alliance power for the chance of business negotiation equity, then building a value chain of new areas through real practices.


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5.梁金樹、林文晟、陳彥邦,「應用模糊多準則決策於航空公司選擇策略聯盟夥伴」,東吳經濟商學學報,第六十一期,107-122 頁,民國97年。。


