  • 學位論文


A study on the formal beauty of tactile sense

指導教授 : 陳一平


不同人之間知覺感受是否一致,或者每個人各有其感知訊息的獨特方式至今 卻沒有個定論。本研究首先排除各項變因,僅保留三種變項,深入探討在觸覺感 官領域,是否與使用視覺感受美的狀態一樣,有與其相同的評判標準,抑或是有 自身獨特的觀看方式? 本實驗以亂度變項、密度變項與頻率變項各三種水準做成九個觸覺圖形,配 合嚴格篩選的以視障者為受試者的先決條件下,運用語意差異法收集受試者的評 量分數,再以MDS 分析得出三個軸度的心理感覺空間圖,得到的三個軸度分別 為簡單—雜亂軸,粗曠原始—女性化軸,粗糙—精緻軸。再以心理感覺空間圖導 出九個觸覺圖形對應於心理感覺空間圖的知覺圖,求得觸覺圖形在各個軸度的分 佈型態,得到亂度變項與簡單與粗糙屬性的變動呈正相關;密度變項與粗曠原始 屬性的變動呈正相關;頻率變項與簡單屬性之變動也呈正相關的結果。 以喜歡與愉悅做偏好程度排序的實驗,請受試者對每一塊觸覺圖形給予等級 評分並排序,每位受試者對刺激偏好排序所得之的偏好分數,做各刺激所得之分 數的算術平均數做直線分布圖並進行分析,結果得到喜歡與愉悅度的偏好兩者呈 現相同發展的趨勢,儘管在密度及愉悅度的頻率變項中,各水準間的差異未達顯 著,但整體而言仍有規律的偏好趨勢,即皆呈現明顯規律性的遞增與遞減。此項 結果證明本實驗中的九個觸覺圖形,確實應對著受試者的心理實存性。表示本實 驗刺激的選擇確實能反映受試者觸覺的真實內在感受。 接著將實驗結果進行相對應關係的評判與分析,所得結果為評判喜歡與愉悅 度的屬性主要為簡單、粗糙與粗曠原始,而刺激變項程度都必須越大才越有更高 度的反應。 由本研究結果所得,觸覺確實有其自身獨特的感知方式,與視覺非常不同, 甚至有感受相反的趨勢。


觸覺 語意差別法 MDS 知覺圖 心理實存性


The purpose of this study was to examine if the rules for defining formal beauty of tactile sense are the same as that for visual sense or not. Nigh tactile stimuli were created by varying the arrangement of pronounced dots along the frequency, density, and regularity dimensions, with three levels of arrangement in each dimension. Thirty one visually impaired participants were recruited. The participants were asked to rate the quality of each stimulus along 21 adjective pairs in a standard semantic differential scaling procedure. Multidimensional scaling (MDS) techniques were used to position the 21 adjectives in a perceptual space. A three-dimensional space was judged to give a satisfactory representation of the data. A regression analysis was then performed to place all stimuli on the MDS space. The three main axes were: (1) Simple vs. Messy, (2) Raw and masculine vs. Cultivated and feminine, and (3) Roughness- vs. Refinement. The variation of regularity was found to be positively correlated with the properties of the first and the third dimensions. The density modulation was positively correlated with the second dimension, and the frequency variable was positively correlated with the first dimension. Preference analysis showed that participants prefer stimuli that are simple, rough, and masculine. Overall speaking, the formal beauty of tactile sense was different from that of visual sense and shows opposite tendencies in some cases.


Goldstein, E. B. (1996). Sensation and Perception. 4th edition.Wadsworth, Belmont,
mutidimensioanal scaling analysis. Perception & Psychophysics, 54(6), 697-705.
1. 中文文獻
王文融等譯(1998)。Jacques Marseille 總主編。世界藝術史。台北市:聯經出版。

