  • 學位論文


The Application Scenario of Micro Projector and Prototyping: The Case of Auxiliary Performance

指導教授 : 林銘煌


「好的創新是從需求來的」。台灣產業代工環境面臨轉型,找尋技術的殺手級應用(Killer Application)是合適的切入點。本研究企圖從技術應用面發想創新,並透過實地觀察與研討去了解使用者需求;先從前瞻技術中尋找使用者,再了解使用者要甚麼,試圖創造前瞻技術的高附加價值。 本研究取用近年發展重點之一的「微型投影」(Micro Projector)作為目標前瞻技術,參考其特點與技術發展趨勢,尋找潛在的生活運用及使用族群。經發散與收斂思考,確認目標使用者為表演舞者,並定案概念設計方向為輔助表演用;以觀察訪談的方式探知舞者的實際活動情境與需求,並向受訪者提問初步的概念設計建議,經整理分析後得出實作設計準則,再由晶奇光電(Oculon Optoelectronic Inc.)提供技術支援和配合,製作出產品原型(Prototype)一台;成果由使用者試用驗證之後,得出進一步評估量產之可能性。研究顯示,欲達成技術應用和商品化可行性,需要設計、技術、與市場需求等各個環節的精密合作與反覆驗證。 本研究欲提醒台灣產業跳脫傳統製造業的思維,一改縮居於供應端的習慣,轉求知道需求端要的是甚麼?消費者類型為何?哪種設計及產品才能獲得青睞?建議企業調整產品研發重心,凸顯設計在前端開發扮演的地位,促使產業端重視設計研究,提升台灣產業的國際競爭力。


Good innovation is inspired by daily needs. The environment of original design manufacturer in Taiwan is facing the circumstance of making transfer, searching the technical killer application is a proper selection as a starting point. From the technical aspect, this research attempts to find innovative ideas and, through realistic observation, to understand needs from users. These users relative to advanced techniques are selected firstly ,then the added benefits of advanced techniques will be trying to be made after understanding the needs of these users. This research selects Micro Projector, one of the rapid developing technology in recent years, as a study case. By considering its characteristics and the developing trend to find the potential application and users. The relative users and the preliminary concept design are confirmed after both divergent and convergent thinking. Realistic active circumstances and requirements are realized through interview. Interviewers are also queried about comments for the preliminary concept design. The practical fabrication and design principles are obtained after relative analysis. Finally, the prototype is fabricated with supports provided from Oculon Optoelectronic Inc. Possibilities about further evaluation of mass production will be known after the verification of experiences from users. The research shows that repeated verifications and the accurate cooperation of every stages including design, technique and the requirements of markets are necessary for achieving the possibilities of technical applications and mechanization. The main purpose of this research attempts to remind Taiwan's industries jumping out of the traditional thinking ,changing its past role as a supplier, furthermore, to realize the demands from markets, the appearances of customers and the issue of what designs and products will be appreciated by customers. Revise the main focus of research and design, highlighting the role of design at the stage of advanced developing so to associate industries to pay attention to design and research, enhancing Taiwan's international competitiveness.


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