  • 學位論文


An Experimental Study of State-Space DLV Method in Seismic Damage Detection of Torsionally Coupled Structures

指導教授 : 王彥博




In this study, method of damage location vector (DLV) in conjunction with SRIM system identification is developed for damage detection of torsionally coupled structures. It is verified via a series of a series of numerical simulations and shaking table tests. Simulation results indicate that the damaged stories can be accurately identified, regardless of single or multiple damages. The experimental data have been analyzed using both the configuration-space DLV and state-space DLV methods for damage detection. Results show that the configuration-space DLV method fails to identify the damage in most cases while the state-space DLV method proves more successful, indicating its potential in practical application. Nevertheless, there were still a few cases not accurately identified. It is partly attributed to the low earthquake intensity (PGA=0.05g) considered in the tests as the noise-to-signal ratio becomes higher for weak signals, thus introducing errors in the system identification as a consequence. Moreover, the damage locating vectors obtained from singular value decomposition of the flexibility differential matrix are to be applied on the intact structure for further stress analysis, and discrepancy between the ETABS model and test structure considered in this study leads to additional errors. In order to be practically more feasible, it is suggested to further explore new methodologies for stress analysis using parameters directly from system identification.


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