  • 學位論文


Hydrogeomorphic Assessment for Coastal Habitat in Taiwan

指導教授 : 郭一羽


中文摘要 本 文利用美國陸軍工程師團所開發的水文地貌法 (Hydrogeomorphic Approach ,HGM)做為修改基礎,將其內容依照 台灣海岸棲地之特性進行修改。於模式內容修改期間,本研究聘請一 組相關領域之生態專家學者,憑藉著專家學者之知識與經驗,判斷模 式在內容修改方面之合適性。建立完成之模式主要由10項棲地影響因 子與4項棲地評價功能指標組成,並更名為”海岸水文地貌棲地評估模 式”。 本文於台灣海岸棲地中挑選兩處做為水文地貌模式應用區域,分 別為屏東海岸與桃竹苗海岸。利用水文地貌模式對海岸樣區進行評估, 同時邀請生態學專家,以面對面開會討論以及觀看現地影像資料之方 式,對海岸樣區直接評價其生態價值。將模式評估結果與專家評估結 果進行相關性分析,可得知於屏東海岸整體棲地生態評價皮爾森相關 係數(R)為0.90;桃竹苗海岸整體棲地生態評價之皮爾森相關係數(R) 為0.81,顯示此模式具有相當高的可信度。此海岸水文地貌模式的建 立,有利於不熟悉生態價值的工程人員在施工前進行生態棲地評估。


棲地 海岸 評估


ABSTRACT This research intends to establish a proper biotope evaluation model for domestic coast with the reference of Hydrogeomorphic Approach (HGM), the wetland biotope evaluation model developed by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). The appropriateness of the model is inspected by a group of ecologists in related field with their professional knowledge. The concluded model consists of 10 variables and 4 indexes. After the model for Taiwan coasts is completed, Pingtung coast and Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Miaoli coasts are selected as the application to the model. As applying the model to the coast evaluation, the ecologists are invited to score the coastal ecosystem through photos and videos of the coast in seminar. Comparing the evaluation results from the model and the experts, the Pearson Correlation Coefficient (R) of Pingtung coast is 0.90; Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Miaoli coasts is 0.81, which demonstrate the high credibility of the model. The establishment of the coastal model help the engineers who are unfamiliar with the value of ecological environment to do the evaluation before constructions.


Coastal Habitat Assessment


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