  • 學位論文


A Study to Improve the Flow in Center of Team

指導教授 : 楊千


本研究之個案醫院位於新竹縣,該地區幅緣十分遼闊,平原只佔全縣總面績的十分之一,分佈在沿海及河岸山谷之間,個案家長對於發展遲緩及早期療育的觀念在城鄉有相當大的落差。本研究利用平衡計分卡針對個案醫院進行分析,獲得以下五點結論及努力方向目標邁進: 一、繼續訓練及提昇大新竹地區及鄰近縣市的早期療育相關工作人員評估專業水準。 二、推廣發展遲緩兒童及早期療育之觀念,以提高新竹地區家長和當地居民對於發展遲緩與兒童早期療育重視。 三、建立並推廣新竹縣偏遠地區機動聯合評估模式。 四、壓力雖大、責任雖重,但由遲緩兒的需要,看到了早療團隊的責任。 五、希望政府、醫院、及一些社會資源可以繼續投入更多人力經費來推動,以期望使遲緩兒可以更早被發現及接受更完善而全面性的療育。


The idea about early treatments for children with delayed milestones varies significantly between urban cities and the countryside. The range of Hsinchu County is vast, and residence stands for only one tenth of the whole Hsinchu area, spreading across the coastal and inland areas. This makes the early intervention for children with delayed milestones very difficult. The goal of our study is to find a model which can improve the efficiency of early intervention for such children in the Hsinchu area. The sample of the study came from Tong Yen Hospital, Hsinchu County. We used the balanced scorecard to analyze the data of the sampling hospital, and we obtained the following five conclusions: 1. We should increase the professional competence of staff members by continuous trainings. 2. We must popularize the idea of early intervention for children with delayed milestones in Hsinchu and nearby areas. 3. We need to create a model of combined-evaluation at the countryside. 4. We have the responsibility to excavate and take care of the children with delayed milestones. 5. We hope the government and charities can participate and donate funds for our hospital in order to help more children with delayed milestones.


the Flow in Center of Team


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