  • 學位論文


Development and Performance Test of Backpack Water Mist Systems

指導教授 : 陳 俊 勳 徐 一 量


當火災發生時,初期先由建築物內所配置的滅火器或消防設備進行滅火,倘若火勢延燒猛烈無法控制時,只得請求消防隊派出人員及機具來協助滅火,但當消防車到達時火勢往往都已經一發不可收拾,且不是所有的火場都有良好的道路可以直通抵達救災,例如舊社區失火、野外山林失火、登山棧道失火、陡峭深山林班地失火、山區渡假小木屋失火等等,以上這些地方都是消防車輛及機具無法立即進入救災控制火勢,因此,若無法有效的在發生火災的第一時間迅速撲滅火源,則火勢將向四週迅速延燒以致於形成難以控制及更難以撲滅的大火。 本研究針對背負式細水霧滅火系統進行開發可行性評估與效能驗證,研究並改良市面上現有類似產品,本研究將以實場模擬實驗,針對A,B類火源及設計情境進行滅火效能測試,嘗試各項操作及性能測試,並針對實驗數據結果進行分析與討論等,希望藉由本研究開發具機動性的背負式細水霧系統,可使用在消防機具車輛難以抵達的處所及偏遠陡峭的山區或羊腸小徑的田埂等地,能在不幸發生火災的第一時間,提供另一種有效滅火的新選擇,以減少財物損失或人員之傷亡。 關鍵字:火災、背負式、細水霧、機動性


火災 背負式 細水霧 機動性


When a fire occurs, we can put out a fire with fire and fire-fighting equipment which is deployed in the building at the first time. If the fire was blazing uncontrollably,we should call 119 immediately,and then fire brigade would assign firefighters to stamp out the fire.Before fire engines arrived at the disaster scene,the blaze was generally unrestrained most of the time.There is not always a way to go right through to the scene of a fire. For example, the fire destroyed old complex buildinds, forests, wooden walkways, the innermost depths of the forest,chalet and so on. In view of these situations above, the fire vehicles are hardly to go to those places immediately. If we can't put out a fire efficiently, the blaze will spread throughout and be out of control. The study has been undertaken to identify potential efficacy and performance test of back pack water mist systems, improving existing commercially similar products. According to fire type A&B, we have designed the direction for testing extinguishing efficiency and testing equipment in the actual operation. The results of analysis and discussion are in relation to experiment data. By development of flexible back pack water mist systems in this study, we could provide another effective choice to put out fire at the first time where fire vehicles hardly arrived (such as a secluded mountain area or winding road of field). This system could prevent property damage and reduces injury from the fire. Keyword : fire, backpack, watermist, flexibility.


fire backpack watermist flexibility


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