  • 學位論文


Automatic Meter-Finding System Based on Machine Learning

指導教授 : 張文輝




Meter is an important basis for pianists to understand and interpret music performance. However, the meter information is usually not available in MIDI music, limiting its applications in performance evaluation and context-based information retrieval. Goal of this study is to develop an automatic meter-finding system. Compared to previous works that focus on various accent types of autocorrelation function, we introduce the phrase-related features based on the music theory. Firstly, we apply the local boundary detection model to compute the boundary strength of each note. Then, we select the representative points according to different extension of the phrases and structural differences of bars. Finally, the boundary strengths corresponding to representative points are used to form the phrase-related features. Together with the autocorrelation function, we apply the support vector machine and deep neural networks to construct the meter-finding model. Experiment results show that the combined use of phrase-related features and autocorrelation function can improve the accuracy for 2/4 and 4/4 music by 86% and 20%, respectively. Also, the use of 2-hidden layers neural network achieves the highest accuracy rate of 91.20% among four different meters.


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