  • 學位論文


To Dissolve Eternity with Everyday Life

指導教授 : 何震寰


本文以建築機能類型作為討論對象,探究其各場所的本質在時空變遷產業演變下的轉變,依據歷史觀點、空間形式、環境美學影響下所帶來的演化。重新形構設計思維,不涉及個人對地點的記憶與經驗。在時空的演進下,隨著社會經濟、文化變遷所產生的價值變異,分析轉變下所需求的空間連結又脫節的樣貌。 論文當中舉出三種類型的場所,分別是公共建築、私人建築、工業建築在不同尺度下討論我們的生活聚落,第⼀章藉由暸解文化地景與日常城市,著重於兩類使用模式變遷顯著的建築類型,設計中找出圖書館以及美術館在大眾生活中的重新定位。第⼆章討論產業地景與日常住居,設計著重於保留記憶和使用間的均衡,連接住宅形成與特定生活。第三章介入工業地景與日常景觀,設計著重於重新建構遺留舊有的工業基礎設施,來因應城市的趨勢發展。 結語:藏於日常的異常中設計思考與表現著重在空間型態與環境塑造上,總結於「建築之於生活」的變化,機能的轉向或偏離。


生活空間 建築類型


This dissertation discuss the inherent of different kind of places are changed through time and society according to historical perspective, space form and personal aesthetics based on the Architecture Program. It extends and builds upon a series of literatures and studies. The aim of this paper analyzes how the demand of space can be rebuilt or be reconnected because of the differentiation of values through the development of the economy and the evolution of cultures. To address this question, the article takes three kinds of space to be examples: the public building, residential building and industrial building. The first section explores landscapes and the change of spaces can be seen as new architectural typologies. It uses the library and the museums to be the instances. On second section, it mainly focuses on the design of industrial buildings and residential buildings that are able to not only maintain memories but also balance the usage of space. The reason is that those two types of buildings can form the formal structure and specific lifestyle. The last section report industrial buildings and rebuilding landscape can be reconstructed above existing infrastructures in order to adopt the trend of urban development. The result of this article figures out that the architecture is a change of a life. It is crucial to consider how to effectively design spatial pattern and use environment. Otherwise, the function of architecture can affect the utilization of space.


Living space Building Type


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[03]Neil Leach,《Urban Nomad》http://www.oneday.com.tw
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