  • 學位論文


Hello!! Taiwan-an infographic book about Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳一平


臺灣擁有豐富的自然生態與多元的文化社會,惟因歷史與兩岸政治角力,使臺灣在國際上的能見度並不高,也因此,”臺灣”的名稱鮮為人知,然而,越來越多臺灣人透過不同的方式宣傳臺灣,不管是在運動上的優異表現,抑或是透過網路影片的傳播,「如何讓臺灣被看見」似乎已經是新一代臺灣人所關心的議題之一。 本研究主要以臺灣資訊與資訊圖像表現形式兩大部分進行分析探討,透過相關文獻的整理與歸納,將臺灣的資訊與特色用資訊圖像的方式進行創作,期望透過資訊圖像的方式呈現資訊,讓更多人得以「看得見」臺灣。 本設計創作的主題為「Hello!!Taiwan-an infographic book about Taiwan」,以書冊與海報的形式呈現與臺灣有關的資訊圖像,透過4W1H的陳述分兩個部分進行9種主題的創作。創作內容分別為第一部分:1.Where exactly Taiwan is-臺灣到底在哪裡、2.Who are Taiwanese-那些人是臺灣人、3.What you should know about Taiwan-你應該知道的臺灣二三事、4.When will Taiwan be mentioned-臺灣何時會被提到、5.How to know more about Taiwan-如何更了解臺灣;第二部分:1.When to come to Taiwan and where to play in Taiwan-何時到臺灣玩,到臺灣哪裡玩(一般民俗慶典)、2.When to come to Taiwan and where to play in Taiwan-何時到臺灣玩,到臺灣哪裡玩(原住民慶典)、3.Who you know is a Taiwanese-你知道的國際名人是臺灣人、4.What you must taste in Taiwan-來臺必吃的食物。


資訊圖像 臺灣


Taiwan is a country rich in natural and cultural diversities. However, due to historical and political reasons, Taiwan does not enjoy high international publicity. For instance, many people in other parts of the world don’t even know the name of this small island. On the other hand, recently, Taiwan has been promoted by more and more Taiwanese through different ways, such as achieving outstanding performances in sports, and spreading positive Taiwan-related videos through the internet. “Increasing the visibility of Taiwan on the world’s stage”, becomes one of the main concerns in Taiwan’s new generation. This thesis contains research on the information of Taiwan and inforgaphics. Through the collation of relevant pieces of documentation, the information and features of Taiwan are presented with infographic design. Hopefully, more and more people will know more about Taiwan through this way. This essay is named “Hello! Taiwan-An infographic book about Taiwan”. Inforgraphic is realized by books and posters . Moreover, the whole content consists of two parts and nine themes via 4W1H statements as below:PartI-1.Where Taiwan exactly is,2.Who are Taiwanese, 3.What you should know about Taiwan, 4.When Taiwan is mentioned, 5.How to know more about Taiwan;PartII- When to come to Taiwan and where to play in Taiwan (Taiwanese Celebration), 2.When to come to Taiwan and where to play in Taiwan (Aboriginal Celebration), 3.Who you may know is a Taiwanese, 4.What you must taste in Taiwan.


infographic Taiwan


Kim Bear(2009),Information design workbook-Graphic approaches ,solutions, and inspiration+30 case studies,New York::Rockport Publishers Inc.
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