  • 學位論文


A Study of Key Success Factors of Assembly Equipment Suppliers in Taiwan

指導教授 : 姜齊


台灣的半導體產業歷經多年的發展,在晶圓代工及封裝測試領域已成為全球市佔率最高、技術領先的龍頭。然而佔資本支出最高的機器設備領域卻一值是仰賴進口,直到近幾年台灣的封裝設備機台產業終於有所突破,開發具競爭力的設備機台並進入各封裝大廠供應鏈。 本研究即針對台灣後段設備廠商崛起的關鍵成功因素作探討,透過文獻探討歸納出可能的成功參考因素、產業專家學者訪談,篩選出關鍵成功因素預選評價指標。再利用 AHP 層級分析法,對半導體及LED封裝相關從業人員及決策主管,包括封裝設備製造商之研發、工程、製造、業務及封裝廠工程、採購等各領域的專家,進行問卷調查,得出封裝設備產業的關鍵成功因素權重,輔以個案分析上市櫃的封裝設備商之例子,確認結果,以做為封裝設備廠商審視核心能力提升競爭力的參考。 由AHP專家問卷的結論以及個案分析的結果,很顯然的在封裝設備產業中,最重要的核心能力就是定價策略、公司願景目標還有研發技術與營運管理相關要素。這產業所提供的是封裝廠的生產設備機台,為擴大市場規模,台灣的封裝設備廠商不但提供半導體的設備也同時跨入LED的領域或被動元件領域,在台灣這兩項產業的全球市佔率也相當高,且在封裝設備上有一定的相似度,本研究可作為相關設備商強化關鍵的核心競爭能力,擴大市場規模及利基的參考。


Semiconductor industry has been successfully developed in Taiwan for many years. But the equipment sector of such industry has rely heavily on imports, and a breakthrough was not seen until recent years- domestic manufactures have successfully developed assembly equipment that’s as competitive as imports, and has gained recognition as well as utilization in leading companies. The purpose of the study is to acquiring knowledge and identifying key factors behind the success of these domestic equipment manufactures. The methodology of gaining such identification are through literature review and researches, then interviews with industry’s subject matter experts to finalized pre-determined factors for further exploration and analysis. Through the organization and analysis structure of AHP, the questionnaires results taken by industry decision makers and professional, including R&D, Engineers, Productions, Business Units and Procurement etc., in the field of assembly manufacturing yielded weights of successful factors. Drawing results from weights of successful factors from the questionnaires, and empirical research on multiple assembly manufactures, these findings can be used as references for manufacturers who are seeking to elevate its core competencies and competitive advantages. AHP questionnaire and empirical study results confirms, the most important core competencies and competitive advantages in the assembly equipment industry are pricing strategy, company’s vision and goal, R&D capabilities as well as operation management. To expanding its serving markets, domestic assembly equipment manufacturers also supply equipment to LED or Passive Components industry; due to its equipment comparability, and high market share in the world, in tandem to semiconductor industry. Hence, comparable equipment manufacturers may refer to this study to master core competencies, set goals, develop wider application of core technologies, and pairing it with pricing advantage strategy to serve and expand its market niche and share


Semiconductor Assembly Equipment AHP


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