  • 學位論文


The Research of Religious Conversion Process of Hakka Women in Chutung:A Case Study of Reformed Church and Chinese Lutheran Ho-Tse Church

指導教授 : 簡美玲


本論文透過竹東地區兩個教堂的客家婦女改宗之生命歷程,從婦女們的生活日常、改宗的原因,以及她們改宗後的生活這三個項度中,發現了客家婦女隨著現實生活不停調適轉變的過程。她們藉由改宗做為手段,企圖達到順利生活的目的。在新的宗教領域中,我們看見婦女們的主體性與自我意識得以在此建立起來,賦權與休閒的概念也可以在此獲得解釋。這些婦女們代表著一種介於傳統與創新之間的連結,並且將客庄婦女現實生活中的可轉變性與可流動性做了相當好的詮釋。 本文第一章先描述竹東地區的人文社會背景,鋪陳這個地區居民的宗教與日常。第二章記錄了這群客家女性的生活,包含她們的勞動經驗、教育機會、原生家庭與信仰,以及婚姻。第三章接著敘述這些客家婦女的改宗經驗,以及傳統的祖先崇拜觀念對她們的改宗過程所產生的阻礙。第四章則透過她們成為基督徒之後的宗教生活,來探討新宗教帶給她們的實質影響力。並且對訪談過程中不停出現的福音版本作出檢視。最後,在結論章,我試著採用宗教的視角來檢視客家女性在傳統與創新中所展現出的主體性與自我意識,以及對這新舊之間所產生的流動性企圖做出解釋。


客家婦女 改宗 基督教 生命史


Using Hakka women’s converted life paths in two churches in Chutung as subjects and examining their daily routines, the causes of their conversion and their lives after conversion, this study reveals the processes of those women’s continuous adjustments to the reality and of their life transformation. They use religious conversion as a means to successfully achieve their goal of creating their own lives. In the new religion, they establish their subjectivity and self-consciousness. The concepts of women’s empowerment and leisure time can also be explained here. They represent a connection between traditions and modern times and best exemplify Hakka women’s adjustability and flowability in life. The first chapter of this study describes the human and social backgrounds of Chutung and introduces people’s beliefs and daily lives in this district. The following chapter records the lives of Hakka women of this area, including their work experience, education opportunities, natal families, beliefs and marriages. The third chapter focuses on those Hakka women’s experiences of religious conversion and the hindrances of traditional ancestor veneration to their conversion. The next chapter explores the actual effects of the new religion on them after they become Christians and examines the gospels that keep coming out during my interviews with them. In the concluding chapter, from a religious angle, I analyze Hakka women’s subjectivity and self-consciousness manifested in their traditions and innovations and explicate the intention of their flowability between the old and new.


hakka women religious


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Gillespie, V.Bailey


