  • 學位論文


The Study on Cross-Regional Toxic Chemical Substance Joint Prevention Organizations Emergency Response Capability Verification and Enhancement

指導教授 : 葉弘德 于樹偉


化學物質使用的普及化及製造業製程需求的增加,化學物質種類和數量增加日趨複雜,伴隨著的是可能發生之各式毒化災事故。因此化學品運作業者應進行危害預防與管理,並建立有效的緊急應變機制。為強化業者災害事故緊急應變能量,環保署於2007年起,著手協助業者依照不同運作屬性,成立全國性毒性化學物質聯防組織,期許業者互助救災,將災害影響降至最低。 本研究蒐集各國相關緊急應變體系概況,並就現行國內所籌設之毒性化學物質聯防組織,利用2016至2018年間跨區域型毒災聯防組織無預警測試結果,彙整及分析常見之缺失,並研析聯防組織運作問題及困難之處,提出改善建議與執行方式,以作為業者提升聯防組織運行能力之參考,強化全國聯防組織應變能量。 近年毒災聯防組織無預警測試各項缺失,經彙整後包含法規時效要求、通報作業程序、聯防組織支援、支援應變器材、應變處理情形等五大指標及12項評核事項,涉及的細部作業又包括事故初期通報、聯防組織支援時效性、應變有效資訊提供、現地應變處置能力、應變人員安全防護、及應變資材設備與支援人力等項目。 本研究利用無預警測試驗證聯防組織相互支援及應變成果,獲致的結論是:綜觀應變測驗過程,以應變指揮程序缺失率最高,個人防護裝備之著裝及脫除次之,應變資材整備與器材運用之熟悉度、善後復原作業等項目佔缺失3成比率。然而,聯防組織若設置專屬應變小組,在整體驗測中展現優良效率,由此可見,除藉由法規嚴加規範並落實人員教育訓練,輔以平時輔導訪查、稽查處分等措施,應可提升運作業者災害事故緊急應變能量。


With the fast growing market demand, the use of chemicals becomes quite common, but such a trend also accompanys more chemical accidents. Hence chemical companies should focus on hazard prevention and management as well as build up the emergency response capability. Since 2007, Taiwan Environmental Protection Admisnistration, based on the hazards of the chemicals, established the “Nationwide Mutual Aid Groups of Toxic Chemical Substances” to enhance the joint emergency response capability of the member companies, and to reduce the impact of chemical disasters. This research collects different countries’ chemical emergency response systems, and summarizes the “Nationwide Mutual Aid Groups of Toxic Chemical Substances” no-warning test results from 2016 to 2018. The results are used to analyze the groups common problems as well as operational difficulties with the aim to improve the emergency response capability of the mutual aid groups. In recent years, Taiwan EPA has conducted no-warning tests of the “Nationwide Mutual Aid Groups of Toxic Chemical Substances” chemical to validate the chemical disaster prevention and response capabilities of the companies involved. Emergency response capabilities tested by Taiwan EPA include five major categories and 12 criterion items, which are “response time”, “notification procedures”, “joint response organization support”, “provision of response equipment”, “response process”, “initial notification”, “joint response organization support time”, “effective response information provision”, “on scene response capability”, “responding personnel safety protection”, and “contingency equipment and support manpower”. The no-warning tests also verify the actual support and response results of the mutual aid program. Conclusions of this study are: in the overall deficiencies, the response command system and response procedures are ranked the highest; wearing and removing the personal protective equipmentis the second highest;readiness of the response equipment is in the next level; familiarity of the response personnel with the response equipment and the decontamination operation also present a challenge. If a dedicated response team is set up in the mutual aid group, its overall response procedures and efficiency is significantly improved. In view of the program’s deficiencies, response personnel training and education is the most critical step. The government should also enhance laws and regulations enforcement, along with more consulting and audit, to improve Taiwan’s chemical disaster emergency response capability.


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