  • 學位論文


The Dilemmas and Dialogues I have encountered as an artist

指導教授 : 賴雯淑


藝術創作與創作者個人的生命狀態密不可分。本論文是關於自我創作歷程的探問與自我對話。論文分做五個章節: 第一章緒論回溯國中到大學體制內美術學習歷程,在歷經多年的繪畫技巧訓練後提出:除了技巧以外,我想要追求的為何?第二章為回顧研究所時期的創作歷程。從研究所的藝術創作實踐開始思考創作之於我的意義:從作品《告訴您》的創作開始指向個人生命,尋找跟自己對話的方式;而《山谷中之間的喊話》則是對話的過程,從中察覺生活中被「限制」的無力感所包圍,這件作品與過去作品的造型差異頗大,是對過往技巧排斥的宣示行動,透過創作的過程也試著正視存在的限制,感受並面對這些負面的狀態,開始接納將「放棄」視為選擇的一種選項,不再視其為負面。第三章是對於畢業創作的省思,透過創作之中的自我對話與展覽時的觀眾交流,沈澱並放下對於過去記憶的執念。第四章是描述自己如何察覺出生活與創作的困境,其實是源自成長過程中所養成的人格特質。在研究所接受批判與質疑性課程的挑戰,開啟了思考與質疑、提問的能力,而在與友人和老師們的對話之中開啟了更深層的自我對話。第五章結語是回顧一路上的創作困境,瞭解自己、確立未來的方向繼續向前。


藝術創作 對話 提問 質疑


Art making is inseparable from the life state of artist. This thesis is aimed to record the process of inquiries and dialogues through art making from the perspective of my personal context. In introduction, I reviewed my experiences of formal fine art education in school system and propose my starting question: Apart form skill, what do I want to pursue in art? In chapter 2, I discussed my art works during my time in Institute of Applied Arts, with which I started to think about what art mean to me. The work “Talk to Your Mind” makes me realize that art making is a way of having dialogues with myself. And the work “The Shout Between the Valleys” made me realize the “restrictions” in my life. The simplified form of this work was my declaration against realistic skills, as well as my determination to face my dilemmas in art making and life. The chapter 3 is about my reflections on graduation project. In the exhibition through having the dialogues and interactions with the viewers, as well as with myself, I started to let go of my obsession of past memories. In chapter 4, I discussed how I realized my predicament in life and art making which derived from my personality traits developed during the process of growing up. Then I began to challenge myself through taking courses that required abilities of critical thinking and reflections. The final chapter is a conclusion of how I expect to find my own way to understand myself and march forward to my future.


Art making Dialogue Dilemmas


[1]安納莉絲‧舒瓦茲(Annelies Schwarz)(2015)。我的床邊怪獸(林妙冠譯)。台北:閣林文創。
[2]佛洛姆(Erich Fromm)(2003)。愛的藝術(孟祥森譯)。台北:志文出版社。
