  • 學位論文

基於沉浸式虛擬實境之高整合度 雙臂機器人操控系統開發

Development of an Immersive VR-based Manipulatory System for Dual-arm Robots

指導教授 : 楊谷洋




Along with the progress in automation, the use of industrial robots has become much more popular, including the dual-arm robot manipulator. The manipulation system is the critical factor that directly affects whether a robot system is easy to use. However, traditional task teaching, which involves the use of teaching pendent, is complex and not intuitive. Consequently, the cost in teaching tasks is high and it usually demands experts with proper training to manipulate the robot. Therefore, this thesis proposes a manipulatory system for the industrial dual-arm robot using immersive virtual reality technics. To assist the users during their manipulation, the system displays the outline of the covered arm according to user’s angle of view. Meanwhile, to simplify the teaching process and promote the efficiency, the proposed system provides assistive strategies, including artificial physical characteristics and human-like path planning. Simulations are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed interface, along with the questionnaires to evaluate user’s performance.


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