  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Organizational Change in Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions

指導教授 : 楊千 劉敦仁


在全球化的時代,企業正面臨內外在環境快速變化的挑戰,包含投資環境改變、環保意識抬頭、技術的快速演進、人才價值觀的改變、跨產業的競爭等,企業必需隨時思考,如何隨時保持企業的競爭優勢,發展策略及方向如何因應環境變化進行調整,提升核心競爭力等議題進行自我檢視,在這詭譎多變的時代,企業的興盛衰敗往往都在彈指之間,面對這樣的變化是要固守本業或多角化發展或是積極轉型都成了企業經營者決策的難題,而組織變革就相形重要,在台灣企業如何躍升至全球化的國際舞台,考驗著經營者的智慧,企業也需要有能力面對國際化競爭的人才,而人才培養也是諸多企業一直在探討的議題,但台灣企業在人才培育方面相較於外商的重視程度仍有改善的空間。 本研究即在探討,以某公司以台灣為立足點發展為跨國企業,如何進行組織變革的管理與人才培育,在過程中所面臨的挑戰及如何克服進行分析,針對以下研究內容進行分析及探討: 1. 組織變革的原因。 2. 組織變革的策略及管理。 3. 如何從人性觀點克服變革的阻力。 4. 組織變革成功的關鍵。 關鍵字:組織變革、變革管理、變革的阻力、策略管理


In the age of globalization, enterprises are facing the challenges of rapid changes both the internal and external environment. These changes include the investment environment, rising environmental awareness, technological evolution changing, human changes, and cross-industry competition. Enterprises must always think about how to keep their competitive advantages at all times. How to adjust their development strategies and directions in response to changes and improve their core competitiveness is a core focus for enterprises. In this treacherous and changing era, the prosperity and decline of enterprises happen constantly. To face such as changes, whether it is to adhere to their original business or diversified development or active transformation. Thus, is a chore for managers. It will become a difficult problem for business owner to make decisions. Organizational change is very important. How Taiwanese company have leapt to the international stage of the globalization tests the wisdom of the company. Companies need talents to be capable of facing international competition. Talent training is a big subject that many companies have been discussing, but Taiwanese companies still have room for improvement in talent training compared to foreign companies. This research is study how a Taiwanese company to develop to a multinational company and how to manage organizational change and cultivate talents. We also analyze the process of how to facing the challenge and overcome them. Analysis and discussion include the following content: 1. Reasons for organizational change. 2. Strategy management of organizational change. 3. How to overcome the resistance to change from a human perspective. 4. The key point of the organizational change. Keywords: Organizational Change, Change Management, Change Resistance, Strategic management.


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