  • 學位論文

消費者行為特性對 SEM 關鍵字廣告之影響 -以 OTA 為例

The impact of consumer behavioral characteristics in search engine advertising: sponsored search in online travel agency

指導教授 : 唐瓔璋 張家齊


本研究設定不同關鍵字廣告設計,並加入消費者行為因素作為調節變數,探討在線旅遊之消費者行為特性在不同的廣告設計與網路指標 (CTR、CPC、CVR) 之間所產生的影響,使關鍵字廣告能夠符合消費者需求,真正達到關鍵字廣告之優化。研究結果顯示,在目標頁面品質較低的廣告下,具備旅遊體驗之興趣消費者有顯著的可能完成購買行為。針對所有使用者,短廣告文案點擊率較高,但對於旅遊體驗感興趣的消費者而言,長標題廣告有顯著高點擊率,且此類消費者對於品牌標題廣告相較無品牌標題廣告,其購買意願會較高。廣告商如果只調整關鍵字廣告設定觀察網路指標是否達標,並未將消費者行為特性納入討論時,將導致結論偏誤,甚至忽略數據中潛在的訊號。


This study investigates the impact of consumer behavioral characteristics in search engine advertising in regards to online travel agency (OTA). To avoid a bias conclusion and neglect the potential signals, research includes consumer lifestyle as a moderator to illustrate the impact of consumer behavioral characteristics between different designs of keyword ads and online matrix. The research showcases consumers who are interested in the traveling experience have higher clicking willingness for the long title ad. In addition, under the lower quality of landing page, consumers who are interested in traveling experience still have significant possibility to purchase products. Furthermore, the consumer behavior characteristics and the branding title ad have an interaction effect to influence conversion rate. Under the branding title ad, consumers who are interested in traveling experience have significant possibility to purchase products. The results build a useful bridge between advertisers and consumers in OTA industry.


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