  • 學位論文

以複雜系統原理解析新創企業發展歷程 -以遠距醫療平台為例

An Application of the Complex System Theory to Analyze Entrepreneurship Processes: A Case Study on Distant Psychological Counseling

指導教授 : 毛治國


伴隨全球趨勢、科技迭代、產業結構及人力發展變遷,技術、產品、服務、商業模式的創新成為臺灣企業尋求成長存續的破口;同時,也助燃更多的新創事業相繼投入市場。最壞的時代,也是最好的時代,新創企業的個案研究所帶出的管理意涵,可切中臺灣當前所需。 本研究擇定知名新創M公司「遠距醫療平台」為研究個案,以毛治國教授著作《管理》相關理論為基礎,將新創個案之混沌期的概念形成、新創前期的概念驗證到新創初期的商業驗證等不同新創歷程發生值得探究的管理故事作為橫軸,以毛教授源自「複雜系統」理論領域之自組織宏觀理論與管理六力為縱軸切片分析。並採深度訪談法,與新創者針對設定訪綱對話討論,以獲得新創者的主觀看法與經驗,進而歸納可參考通則或具價值之管理意涵。 研究發現,新創者於小康無虞且母親為心理師的家庭背景成長,並於大學期間赴美接受教育後返回臺灣攻讀研究所,在新創混沌期中養成了追求自我實現的動機,洞察了臺灣醫療數位落差及需要緊密醫病關係的外緣,並籌謀解決痛點之道,於是據緣造因,2017年4月間註冊成立公司。新創前期他兩度臨機破立重組M公司團隊,終於讓資金與人才兩大新創資源到位,因緣和合萬事生成,2019年1月M公司的遠距心理醫療平台正式上線;新創者於商業驗證期間透過領導力與戰略力的發揮,對內以敏捷式的管理與開發,讓菁英成員參與領導並學習成長,對外擘劃遠距醫療生態體系願景,以B2B2C的商業模式發展平台而臻至成熟。新創者為因應未來發展變化,已規劃戰略布局,思考第二曲線備戰。 在此新創個案中,新創者也展現了變革力,為突破封閉僵固的臺灣醫療領域法規,找出遠距醫療的破口,他避實擊虛,因勢利導,透過與利害關係人迂迴溝通,漸進式化解事實與價值的分歧。最終衛福部於2019年11月正式檢送訂定之「心理師執行通訊心理諮商業務核准作業參考原則」,宣告可執行通訊心理諮商的時代正式展開。 本研究最後整理歸納此新創個案之重點與分析,將此豐富新創故事個案通案化,期能作為一「新創指引」,對新創者、有志新創者或從事新創研究工作者提供參循借鏡之助益。


管理 領導 戰略 自組織 新創企業 商業模式


While most companies in Taiwan have been striving for continuous growth through globalization, technology advancement, transformation in industry and manpower, business innovation, etc, more start-up companies enter into the market to compete. It is the worst of times, yet it is the best of times. The management implications inferred from a case study on entrepreneurship are deemed to be needed. A start-up case of renowned distant psychological counseling is chosen in this study to analyze the entrepreneurship processes based on theories published in Principles of Management by Professor CK Mao. The Complex System Theory is applied to different stages of the start-up processes, including chaos, prove of concept, and prove of business. In-Depth Interviews is adopted to acquire opinion and comment of the entrepreneurship and to conclude general principles for reference or management implications. The entrepreneur in the case study is from a well-off family whose mother is a counseling psychologist. He attended graduate school in the United States and completed his postgraduate degree in Taiwan. Driven by self-actualization at start-up chaos, he was able to observe the discrepancy in smart healthcare industry in Taiwan and come up with a solution to pain points. Consequently, a company was founded in April 2017. Prior to the official launch of distant psychological counseling platform in January 2019, the entrepreneur reconstructed start-up team twice so as to bring in the right talents and capital funding in place. Leadership and strategic mobility he revealed during prove of business stage enables core team members to improve their leadership skills. A B2B2C business model was developed to realize distant psychological counseling ecosystem prospect. The entrepreneur in this case study demonstrates himself as a change agent who makes a breakthrough on regulation related to distant psychological counseling by leveraging favorable circumstances and oblique communicating strategies to settle divergence amongst interest groups. The Ministry of Health and Welfare in November 2019 declares that distant psychological counseling is permitted in compliance with applicable regulations. Key points implicit in the case study are consolidated and summarized at the end of the paper so as to be a guide for entrepreneurs starting a business.


一、 中文資料
1. 湯偉君、邱美虹 (2007),「複雜系統、突現及其對科學教育的啟 示」,科學教育月刊,第301期,頁17。
2. 毛治國 (2018),管理,初版二刷,新竹市:國立交通大學出版社。
3. 毛治國 (2013),決策,新增訂版,台北市:天下雜誌股份有限公司。
4. 吳凱琳譯 (2007),二版,創新的兩難,台北市:商周出版。
