  • 學位論文


Effects of Mobile-Assisted Language Learning on Vocabulary Learning of Taiwanese High School Learners

指導教授 : 葉修文


英文字彙之習得會影響英文聽力、口說、閱讀和寫作技巧,字彙學習之多重面向性意味著字彙保留對於英語學習者的挑戰。過去的研究顯示運用語言學習策略能夠幫助達成更佳的字彙保留、並提升整體語言能力。本研究聚焦於單字學習策略和後設認知策略此兩種語言學習策略,有許多種類的單字學習策略可以供語言學習者使用,以利達成單字學習任務;後設認知策略對於英文字彙學習也相當重要,其能幫助學習者規劃、監控和評估學習歷程。除此之外,隨著行動裝置的普及,使得很多研究將行動裝置融入於語言學習之中,並檢視其學習成效。由於後設認知策略和行動裝置能提供之功能相似,過去研究也顯示,行動裝置之應用能夠提升學習者的後設認知策略使用,並增進英文字彙學習。 儘管過去的研究曾探究過行動輔助語言學習(簡稱MALL)、英文字彙學習和後設認知策略這三者之交互作用,研究對象卻較少聚焦於台灣外語學習者,尤其是台灣高中生。因此,有鑑於英文字彙學習和後設認知策略之重要性,以及行動裝置的普及,本研究探究台灣高中生利用行動裝置進行英文字彙學習,嘗試擴展既有文獻並補足上述之研究缺口。本研究的三項研究目的為:(1)探討行動輔助語言學習應用於台灣高中生英文字彙學習之成效、(2)探討行動輔助語言學習應用對於台灣高中生後設認知策略使用之影響、(3)探討台灣高中生對於行動輔助語言學習之看法。 為了達成上述三項研究目的,本研究採用多重研究方法,研究對象為兩班共60名台灣高中學生,兩班隨機分配為實驗組和對照組,實驗組利用行動應用程式Quizlet進行四週之英文字彙學習,對照組則是利用紙本形式教材進行四週之英文字彙學習;研究工具包含英文字彙考試、後設認知策略問卷和半結構式訪談。透過量化分析來檢視行動應用程式對於英文字彙保留以及後設認知策略使用之成效,並透過質化分析來了解台灣高中生對於應用行動輔助英文字彙學習之學習感受和對後設認知策略應用的想法。 本研究結果顯示:其一,使用行動應用程式Quizlet之台灣高中生,他們的英文字彙保留成效,顯著優越於使用紙本形式教材之台灣高中生;其二,行動應用程式Quizlet顯著提升台灣高中生後設認知策略之使用;其三,實驗組的學習者對於行動輔助語言學習抱持正面觀感,認為Quizlet對於單字學習有所幫助、介面操作簡易,且其有益於規劃、監控和評估自我的單字學習歷程。 本研究闡明了行動輔助語言學習對於提升台灣高中生英文字彙學習的顯著成效和後設認知策略的使用,並說明台灣高中生對於行動輔助語言學習的正面態度。由於行動輔助語言學習為學習者建構了互動性和有吸引力的學習環境,為其提供個人化的功能,並能讓學習者隨時隨地學習,因此本研究期盼能提供給高中英文教師另一種單字教學方式的選擇。本研究也在最後提供一些建議,希望能讓英語教學者和相關研究者在從事相關教學、研究時,進行參考或改進。


Vocabulary knowledge plays a significant role in the development of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. The multidimensional features of vocabulary knowledge imply the challenges of vocabulary retention. Previous studies have indicated that language learning strategies could lead to better vocabulary retention and improvement in overall language proficiency. Two kinds of language learning strategies, vocabulary learning strategies and metacognitive strategies, were specifically focused in this study. There are various vocabulary learning strategies learners could take advantage of for the completion of vocabulary learning tasks. Metacognitive strategies are also essential for vocabulary learning given that they assist learners in planning, monitoring and evaluating their learning progress. Moreover, with the popularity of mobile devices, an increasing number of studies have incorporated mobile devices into language learning to investigate the effectiveness of mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) in terms of vocabulary learning. Since the characteristics of metacognitive strategies are in line with the features of mobile devices, previous studies have also demonstrated that mobile devices enhance learners’ use of metacognitive strategies and assist their vocabulary learning. However, previous studies which shed light on the intersect between MALL, vocabulary learning and metacognitive strategies are limited in the Taiwanese EFL high school context. Accordingly, built on the importance of vocabulary learning, metacognitive strategies and the popularity of mobile devices, the present study aimed at extending the literature and filling these gaps by targeting Taiwanese high school learners with the aid of a mobile learning application. The research purposes of the study were to examine the effectiveness of MALL on vocabulary learning of Taiwanese high school students and investigate the effectiveness of MALL on Taiwanese high school students’ use of metacognitive strategies. Furthermore, this study looked into Taiwanese high school students’ perspectives on their mobile learning experiences in order to gain a deeper understanding of learner acceptance and their employment of metacognitive strategies for vocabulary learning via mobile devices. To achieve the three research purposes, a mixed-method research design was adopted. Two intact classes with a total of 60 high school students were recruited for this study and were randomly assigned as the control group and the experimental group. The control group adopted the paper-based materials while the experimental group employed the mobile learning application, Quizlet, to learn and review vocabulary for four weeks. Instruments employed in the study included vocabulary tests, metacognitive strategies questionnaires, and semi-structured interviews. The current study examined the effects of vocabulary retention and use of metacognitive strategies quantitatively. In addition to the quantitative data, qualitative data were collected from the semi-structured interview to obtain learners’ perspectives on their mobile learning experiences after utilizing the mobile learning application for learning vocabulary for four weeks. Results of the study indicated that the use of the mobile learning application, Quizlet, yielded significantly better vocabulary retention than the use of paper-based materials. A significant improvement in the use of metacognitive strategies in planning, monitoring and evaluating was also obtained from the use of the mobile learning application. In regard to learners’ perceptions of MALL, learners from the experimental group showed positive attitudes toward Quizlet given that it was useful for learning vocabulary, user-friendly to operate and beneficial for easily planning, monitoring and evaluating their vocabulary learning progress. The present study demonstrates the effectiveness of MALL on vocabulary learning and on the enhancement of metacognitive strategies and shows learners’ favorable views on MALL. Since MALL constructs an interactive and attractive learning environment for learners and provides individualized functions without the restriction of time and space, the current study offers high school English teachers an alternative approach when designing vocabulary learning tasks. The pedagogical implications and suggestions for future research are also provided for English instructors and researchers.


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