  • 學位論文


A study of Taiwanese junior high students’ collaboration in listening tasks: language functions, interaction patterns and perceptions

指導教授 : 張靜芬


在英文的聽說讀寫四個技巧中,聽力至關重要,但是在研究及教學上,聽力卻得到較少的關注。在英文課堂中,聽力教學通常較為傳統,學生只需聽完教師播放的聽力素材,且回答習作本上的聽力題目即可。學生較少有機會和其他同學互相討論聽力的內容。近年來,雖然有越來越多的研究開始探討合作式聽力任務,但是鮮少有研究探討學生進行合作式聽力任務中的相關議題。爰此,本研究旨在探討學生在合作式聽力中如何相互討論聽力內容及互動情形,並以質量混合研究法探討學生在合作式聽力任務中之語言功能、互動型態及看法。本研究招募二十一位台灣公立國中二年級學生,並探究其在英文課堂中參與合作式聽力任務,任務內容包含句子排列,比較筆記,小組討論及克漏字填空。合作式聽力活動在2018年上學期共進行七週。資料搜集包含學生的前後問卷,教師的課堂觀察,學生在合作式聽力任務的討論錄音及學生訪問。資料分析方式則以Kumpulainen and Mutanen (1999) 提出之語言功能以及Storch (2002) 提出之同儕合作互動類型為架構來進行。 研究結果顯示,學生在不同的聽力任務中產生不同的語言功能及互動形式。其中句子排序、敘述及填空隸屬於特定聽力任務的語言功能,但是除了特定的語言功能外,敘述及問答皆出現在所有聽力任務中;此外,學生在不同的聽力任務中也產生不同的互動型態,包含合作、合作合作被動、主導主導被動、主導被動被動等互動形式。然而,研究結果也顯示語言功能和學生的互動情形並沒有相互的關聯,反而學生的互動情形與活動本身,學生的語言能力以及聽力素材較有關係。至於學生對於合作式聽力任務的感受,大多數學生對於本次合作式聽力活動體驗有正面的感受及評價。然而,少部分高成就學生認為在任務中多為提供答案的角色,較少有機會可以和他人討論。亦有少數學生覺得聽力素材的難易度會影響討論的參與度。最後,依據本研究結果,研究者提出合作式聽力任務在語言教學上的應用,並且提出對於未來相關研究之建議。


Listening as an important skill among four learning skills received little attention in both language research and instruction. In regular English classes, students usually listened to listening materials and answered listening comprehension questions on the workbook. Students seldom had other opportunities to discuss the content of listening materials with others. Although there have been increasing studies on collaborative listening tasks, few of them investigated how students interact with others in listening tasks. Furthermore, little attention has been paid to learners in junior high school in Taiwan. The aim of the study is to investigate students’ interaction in collaborative listening tasks. Adapting mixed quantitative and qualitative method, students’ language functions, interaction patterns and perceptions in the four types of listening tasks were investigated. There were 21 eighth-graders in a public junior high school in Hsinchu participating in this study. All of the students conducted four types of collaborative listening tasks within seven weeks in English class, in fall, 2018. The four types of listening tasks included Sentence Scrabble, Note Comparison, Group Discussion, and Cloze Exercise. In this study, the data were collected from two questionnaires, classroom observations, audio recordings from discussions of listening tasks and interviews. All data were analyzed via two theoretical frameworks proposed by Kumpulainen and Mutanen (1999) and Storch (2002). The results showed that students generated specific language functions and interaction patterns in different types of tasks. The specific language functions, namely Order, Narration and Fill in, revealed students’ verbal interaction while they engaging in each task. Besides specific language functions, Narration, Question and Response were occupied in each task. In addition, the interaction patterns elaborated how students interacted in triad and their role during the discussion in different tasks such as collaborative/ collaborative/ collaborative, collaborative/ collaborative/ passive, dominate/ dominate/ passive, dominate/ passive/ passive. However, the results didn’t confirm the relationship between language functions and interaction patterns. The factors influenced their interaction patterns might be the nature of the tasks, students’ language proficiency and listening materials. The studies further revealed that most of the students held positive perceptions after engaging in collaborative listening tasks. However, some of the higher achievers revealed that they spent much time on providing answers instead of discussing the content of listening materials. Some of the students also mentioned that the difficulties of listening materials influenced their participation. Finally, based on the results, several pedagogical implications were provided for junior high school teachers who may implement collaborative listening tasks in English class.


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