  • 學位論文


A Study on the Problems and Solutions of Farglory Free Trade Zone

指導教授 : 王淑芬 包曉天


台灣目前已設有五港一空之自由貿易港區,「遠雄航空自由貿易港區」結合空運貨物及自由貿易港區是最完整的一座。其優勢應當非常適合目前國際進出口貿易往來頻繁的國際大廠於此設點。然而自2006年營運至今,港區事業進駐率不高,政府當初規劃預計之效益也大打折扣。因此,本研究從與港區事業之訪談,試圖找出港區事業營運上之問題,並就問題加以提出改善建議,以期吸引更多業者進駐港區。 本研究結果發現,只要政府將自由貿易港區定位清楚、法規稅制適度修改符合廠商需求,就能吸引廠商進駐、帶動上下游供應鏈進駐廠區,形成良好的群聚效應,附近之生活機能自然會被帶動起來,如此一環扣一環,也就達成自由貿易港區設立之目的了。


There are free trade zones in five harbors and one airport in Taiwan; Farglory Free Trade Zone, which combines airfreight and free trade zones, is the most complete one. Its advantage ought to be quite suitable for international manufacturers with intensive international import and export to set in. However, the rate of the settlement of manufacturers has not been high since it started operating in 2006; the benefits predicted by the government are even less. Therefore, this study attempts to find out the problems of operation of free trade zones by talking with the manufacturers, and, based on these problems, gives out advice on improvement, in the hope of appealing to more manufacturers to come into the free trade zone. This research finds out that as long as the government defines free trade zones clearly and modifies the enactments and taxation properly in order to meet the needs of the manufacturers, then free trade zones will appeal to manufacturers to come in, and make supplier chain come in as well. Thus, good cluster effects form. Moreover, abundant living requirements nearby will get prospered. Thus, the purposes of the set of free trade zones are attained.


Free Trade Zone


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