  • 學位論文


Application of Virtual Materials Experimental Teaching System of Test for Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate

指導教授 : 林昌佑


工程材料實驗為土木工程系大學部的基礎課程。透過實驗課程的操作與驗證,能讓學生充分了解材料的物理及化學特性、力學性質,以致於工程上的應用。由於學生實務經驗不足且材料實驗細節繁瑣及實驗數據零碎,很難在有限的時間內,達到一定的學習目標與成果。因此本研究透過網路教學方式,以虛擬實境技術來呈現國立交通大學土木材料實驗室,開發互動學習系統,建立出良好的情境學習環境,以提升學生在工程材料實驗課程的學習成效。 本研究應用虛擬實境技術,針對土木工程材料實驗課程設計實作教學系統。實驗操作功能則是讓學生能夠在虛擬平台參與整個實驗操作的過程 ,並融入實驗情境中來學習整個實驗流程,藉此幫助學生累積實驗經驗及熟記實驗細節。


The experiment of Materials Engineering is a fundamental course for Civil Engineering Department. Through operating the experiences and examine the results, students can understand fully about the physical characteristics, chemical characteristics and properties of the materials, and to use it in advance application. However, lack of experience and cumbersome, fragmented datas could cause the difficulty in learning. This study used network teaching environment and virtual reality technology to simulate the Civil Engineering materials laboratory of National Chiao Tung University, developing interactive learning system, establish good situational learning environment in order to enhance the learning of students in engineering materials laboratory courses. The research applies virtual reality technology, aimed on created a experimental system for teaching the materials experience of Civil Engineering. The feature of the system allows students to experience the entire experimental operation process through virtual platform , and so, to help students to accumulate experimental experience and learn the details.


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