  • 學位論文


Entropic forces and lateral fluctuations of confined polymers

指導教授 : 張正宏




受限高分子 熵力 漲落


Despite entropic force is widely recognized as crucial for confined polymers, to what extent is its importance is rarely explicitly evaluated. We successfully used recursive formula obtained the entropic force of confined polymers. To extract the pure entropic contribution during polymer tug-of-war and recoiling, we carry out a dry experiment of Langevin dynamics simulation. Its entropic forces are easured by an optical tweezer via Jarzynski equality and determined theoretically by a recursion formula. These two approaches are more general than Freed-Edward’s diffusion equation and provide highly coincident force values beyond the precision estimated by Muthukumar’s formalism. We further derive a general formula for entropic force, where γ and a are summarized from the channel width, channel stiffness, polymer persistence length, and excluded volume strength of the desired force f and a reference force at temperature T. As applications, we use this formula to quantify the entropic contribution in several DNA force experiments. On the other hand, we also used simulations and theoretical approaches to discuss and analyze the entropic effects on the lateral fluctuations of a polymer in a nano-slit. We found that this fluctuation can be divided into three parts with specific underlying mechanisms.


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