  • 學位論文


Effect of color and movement interference on construction hazard identification behavior

指導教授 : 曾仁杰


國內的營造業一直是工安意外發生率最高的產業,由於工地人員經常輕忽工地環境中潛在的危害,而造成工安事故的發生,儘管不斷的加強管理及做好教育訓練宣導,仍然難以避免工安事故一再發生。 本研究想從個人內在認知探討工地人員在具有潛在危害的工地環境下的危害辨識方法,因此利用眼動追蹤技術的研究方法,可以探討人類視覺表徵下的心智歷程,嘗試在管理層面之前減少施工人員發生工安事故的可能。 本研究使用Unity3D建置虛擬工地場景,並布置數種危害情境於場景中。實驗邀請受測者觀察具有色彩及動態干擾的工地場景,藉由眼動儀記錄受測者眼動資訊,分析不同的環境變因對人員危害辨識的差異,以找出工地環境中對危害辨識能力會產生影響的因子,推論環境變因對人員危害辨識能力的影響。


The construction industry has been the highest accident rate of the industry, because workers often ignore the potential environmental hazards. Despite the strengthening of management and education training, it is still difficult to avoid the accident occurred repeatedly. This study would like to explore the identification method of workers under the potential hazard in the construction site, Therefore, using the research method of eye tracking technology to explore the visual hazard identification behavior, try to reduce the construction workers in an accident. In this study, the use of Unity3D to construct virtual scene scene and layout many hazards. Experiments let the subjects observe the color and movement interference of the site scene. Using eye tracker to record the eye movement information, and analyze the effect of environmental factors on hazard identification. To find out the factors that affect the identification ability of the site environment.


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