  • 學位論文


Evaluating Passengers' Perceived Physical Abilities for Taking MRT in Taipei City

指導教授 : 張新立


台北捷運一直以提供旅客「安全、可靠、親切的高品質運輸服務」為使命,因此本研究乃嘗試利用搭乘捷運所需要之29個動作為試題,發展民眾搭乘捷運之能力量表,並以台北地區751位半年內有使用過台北捷運系統的民眾進行實證研究,藉以了解民眾搭乘台北捷運之能力,進而檢視台北捷運服務設施是否完善。調查資料經由因素分析後發現,捷運搭乘能力總共可分為進入捷運車站、票務資訊處理、前往乘車月台、捷運車廂內和離開捷運車站等五個能力構面。本研究更進一步以試題反應理論中之Rasch 模式分別對各個構面之試題難度與受測者能力進行校估。在受測者能力之平均值錨定於0之情況下,判斷出各個構面對受測者之難易程度由困難至簡單依序為:第三構面(捷運車廂內)、第四構面(離開捷運車站)、第五構面(進入捷運車站)、第二構面(前往乘車月台)、第一構面(票務資訊處理)。本研究透過變異數分析結果更發現年齡越小者,其搭乘捷運的能力越好;前往捷運車站所花時間越短者,其搭乘捷運的能力也越好。


This study was conducted to develop a scale to measure passengers’ perceived physical abilities for taking Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) in Taipei City and investigate whether the facilities of MRT provide enough good service for passengers. Based on questionnaire designed by the 29 required tasks for taking MRT, 751 MRT passengers were interviewed through face-to-face survey for empirical study purpose. The Rasch model of item response theory (IRT) was then applied to estimate the parameters of item difficulties and persons’ abilities. The study results showed that passengers’ perceived physical abilities for taking the Taipei MRT could be divided into five sub-constructs, and the degrees of difficulty to achieve the required tasks for these five categories of latent constructs are ranked in order from difficult to easy as “In the railway carriage”, “To leave the MRT station”, “To enter the MRT station”, “To bound for the platform” and “Tickets information”. Furthermore, the young passengers and those passengers who spent less time to get to the MRT station were found to have higher abilities to take MRT in Taipei than their counterparts.


Taipei MRT Ability Rasch Model


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