  • 學位論文

針對 JavaScript ⾼階函數的最佳化

Higher-Order Function Optimization in JavaScript

指導教授 : 游逸平




JavaScript is the de facto programming language for developing interactive Web applications. It supports multiple programming paradigms such as imperative, prototype-based object-oriented, and functional programming. Function programming, a style of treating computation as evaluation of mathematical functions, enables programmers to express algorithms in a higher-level form, thereby shielding programmers from dealing with low-level details and resulting in more readable and concise code. One of the building blocks of functional programming is the use of higher-order functions, which take one or more functions as arguments or return a function as their result. However, higher-order functions in JavaScript presents a serious performance cost when they are not identified and optimized in most JavaScript engines. In this thesis, we present a source-to-source compiler that attempts to rewrite higher-order functions into their corresponding loop forms, enabling programmers to use higher-order functions without sacrificing performance. We translate the JavaScript source to a functional, CPS-based IR based on Thorin, identify and eliminate higher-order functions, and then translate back to JavaScript using an adapted Relooper algorithm. Our experimental result shows that it is capable of eliminating the overhead introduced by HOF abstractions, and the performance of the optmized program is on par of hand-written ones using primitive control flow structures.


[1] A Graph-Based Higher-Order Intermediate Representation, Roland Leiβa, et al. CGO 2015.
[2] Emscripten: An LLVM-to-JavaScript Compiler, Alon Zakai, 2013.
[3] Google Closure Compiler https://developers.google.com/closure/compiler/
[4] The lodash JavaScript library http://lodash.com/
[5] The JetStream benchmark suite http://browserbench.org/JetStream/
