  • 學位論文


Analysis for Decision Making on Practitioners in Dentistry

指導教授 : 巫木誠


本研究針對有志於成為牙醫師,從畢業到執業,可能遇到的問題,提供一個方向性的參考。主要以提出幾個關鍵問題,並佐以數據資料分析之後,進而整合出一個全面性的結論,給予有志進入牙醫產業的新鮮人,在思考如何踏出第一步時,一個明確的導引。 首章簡述了牙醫產業受到新鮮人歡迎的時空背景,接著列舉過往文獻,用以說明醫療產業之特性、牙醫師的執業行為及風險、牙醫診所經營模式、健保政策對牙醫診所的影響。本研究提出五條大多數新鮮人踏入牙醫產業時,必須詳細考慮的問題,並一一提供解答,包括:在台灣牙醫是一個好行業嗎,其收入估算為何?如果牙醫師是好行業,那麼在醫院上班或開診所何者較佳呢?自行開業容易嗎? 如果是診所比較好,一般診所或是專科診所較好呢?診所是要開聯合診所或是個人診所呢?診所開業地點應該選在那裡呢?上述問題,本研究依照現實狀況提出解答,並以數據佐證加以分析,故總結本文的研究結果,新鮮人踏入牙醫產業時,還是應以自身的條件與喜好做優先考慮,至於選擇何種執業方式做為進入牙醫業的第一步,應該可以考慮先精進自己的能力,例如進入教學醫院訓練,或者自己再進修,然後取得專科醫師資格,之後如要創業,自行創業或是找到好的夥伴聯合執業,都是不錯的選擇,地點的選擇,則是個人的需求。


牙醫 醫療產業 決策分析


This thesis attempts to analyze the career of dentists in Taiwan in order to help new comers to make decisions. We propose five key questions and try to answer each question based on empirical data mainly provided by government institution. These five questions involves (1) How much is the average annual income of a dentist? (2) Which career track is better, working as a partner/owner of a clinic or working as an employee of a hospital? (3) What kind of clinic is better, general clinic or specialist clinic? (4) Which business model is better in operating a clinic, serving as a single owner or serving as a partner? (5) Which city is better for opening a dentistry clinic, metropolitan city or country city? The study indicates that dentistry is a good career in terms of annual income and working environment. Clinics accounts for 90% of dentistry revenues; partnership clinic and specialist clinic become major trend. Due to relatively lower competition, the average annual dentistry income in some country cities is significantly higher than that in some metropolitan cities.


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