  • 學位論文

工業電腦用電源供應器之國際行銷策略之研究 -以F公司為例

The Global Marketing Strategy of Power Supply Industry

指導教授 : 李小梅


近年來,開發中國家經濟改革開放,使得台灣以勞力密集產業為主的優勢逐漸消失,不僅如此,台幣的巨幅升值和勞力、土地成本的增加,開始讓台灣的國際化策略必須捨棄長久以來的成本優勢,而如何運用企業本身資源訂定國際化策略對企業而言是極為重要的課題。 電源供應器屬基礎產品,幾乎任何產業都需要使用它,故其有極大的市場潛力,雖然目前台灣電源供應器市占率全球第一,但在低價電腦風潮下,應用於個人電腦的低功率電源供應器競爭激烈,毛利銳減,廠商紛紛將生產基地移往生產成本較低的國家,並致力於開發新市場。對這些已在個人電腦電源供應器領域累積一定技術的廠商來說,進入工業電腦電源供應器產業的技術門檻不高,但需克服產品特性、產業結構不同的問題,如個人電腦客戶以個人為主,重視價格,量多樣少,而工業電腦客戶以企業為主,產品生命週期長,注重客製化、高品質等,屬少量多樣,故廠商在進入這利基市場時,需做相關組織流程的調整,以符合產業需求,避免組織衝突。   本研究從產業的分析開始,探討產業之特性、現況、趨勢以及需具備之核心能力,並結合Michel Porter(1978)五力分析來探討產業的競爭程度,接著以Barney(1990)的SWOT分析-資源基礎模式與產業結構模式,歸納出個案公司在該產業中所具備之資源與能力,以及來自企業外部的機會與威脅,與內部的優勢與劣勢,最後針對其國際化目標,做出適當行銷策略。


The economic revolution recently in developing countries results in the vanishing of competitive advantage of Taiwan’s low labor cost. Worse, the increase of the exchange rate and land cost leads Taiwan to give up the long-depended cost advantage, so how to make the best use of resources becomes a vital lesson. Power supply is of fundamental product, that is, no matter what industry needs it. Although Taiwan businesses have the largest market share now, the press from the price war makes the competition more severely than ever before. So every business is eager to seek new potential market or invent new products. The threshold to enter the new industry is not the obstacle to the businesses which have accumulated enough technology, but there are still some problems to be conquered such as structure conflict. This paper will start at analyzing of industry, including the characteristics, status, trend and competitive advantages of the industry. In addition, the Five Force Analysis of Michel Porter (1978) is used to figure out the competitive level of industry, and the Resource and Competitive Analysis of Barney (1990) is used to induce the resource, competitive, opportunity and thread from the internal company, strength and weakness from the external company of the analyzed company. According to all of them, the paper adopts the proper marketing strategy.


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