  • 學位論文


The Effects of Volunteers’ Motivation on Work Performance in Non-Profit Organizations-A Case Study of Taipei Fine Arts Museum and National Palace Museum

指導教授 : 李誠


近年來非營利組織迅速地發展,而志工在非營利組織營運上扮演日益重要的角色,而各級展覽館更是需要大量導覽志工的協助,因此本研究以台北市立美術館與國立故宮博物院之志工作為研究對象進行抽樣調查,希望了解志工的工作動機對工作表現的影響。 抽樣調查共發放350份問卷,回收291份有效問卷;分析方法主要為敘述統計、相依樣本T檢定、相關分析與迴歸分析。 由分析結果得知北美館與故宮的志工大多以年齡50歲以上且高教育程度的女性為主;並發現志工的內在動機顯著高於外在動機,即志工重視工作本身的價值與組織的目標高於他們對外在報酬的重視。而當志願工作者的內外在動機愈高時,他們的工作滿意度也愈高,並且工作表現愈佳,尤以內在動機的影響較大。 因此,志工管理者在甄選志工時應選擇內在動機較高的志工候選人擔任組織中的志工;另外,志工管理者也應努力使志工們了解工作內容的意義以及他們的工作與組織目標的連結,使志工了解即使是簡單的工作也對組織很重要,以提高他們的工作滿意度。而選擇內在動機較高的志工以及提高志工的工作滿意度都是降低志工流動率的方法。


Non-profit organizations grow rapidly in recent years, and volunteers play an increasingly important role in these non-profit organizations, especially in the museums where there is a great need for large number of volunteers. In this thesis the volunteers of Taipei Fine Arts Museum (TFAM) and National Palace Museum (NPM) are the subjects of our study. A total 350 questionnaires were sent to the volunteers of these two museums and 291 valid questionnaires were returned. Based on these returned questionnaires, we study and analyze the key factors which affect the performance of these volunteers. The main findings are as follows: 1.Most of the volunteers in TFAM and NPM are women (88.7%), older (55.7% 50 years old and above) and with high educational attainment (66.7% college graduates). 2.The intrinsic motivation of these volunteers is significantly higher than their extrinsic motivation. 3.In general the higher the volunteers’ work motivation is, especially the intrinsic one; the higher their job satisfaction is. Volunteers with higher job satisfaction usually have better job performance. These findings imply that in order to have more effective volunteers, the recruiting managers of non-profit organizations should select applicants with higher intrinsic motivation; the managers should also try to help volunteers to understand the relationship between the values of their work and the goal of their organization because it can enhance their motivation and thus their job performance, job satisfaction, and subsequently reduce their turnover rate as well.


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