  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of the Deferred Effect of R&D and Marketing in Taiwan''s Enterprise.

指導教授 : 洪秀婉


隨著全球產業垂直分工的發展,台灣產業往年從代工製造切入的策略,使台灣企業在全球產業鏈佔據獨特位置,並得以建立競爭門檻。不過「微利時代」的來臨,與大陸以低廉的勞動成本成為「世界工場」之後,使得台灣在全球化的競爭中已經慢慢失去了以往的競爭優勢。 臺灣「IT教父」施振榮先生在2004年底和親手創立的宏碁公司揮別,他退休前舉辦巡迴演講分享其成功經驗,在首場活動中開門見山地透過投影儀,畫出了一條「施振榮微笑曲線」:座標的X軸是研發、製造、行銷,Y軸是附加價值,曲線向上伸展,就是希望台灣企業,能更重視「行銷」與「研發」。 本研究主要是根據Sougiannis(1994)、Lev & Sougiannis(1996)以及Arellano & bond(1991)之研究建立實證模型。針對台灣企業探討的議題包括:(1)比較研發與行銷投入,對企業績效影響及遞延情形之差異,(2)比較產業特性的差異,對研發與行銷投入影響企業績效之差異,(3)比較研發與行銷密度差異,對研發與行銷投入影響企業績效之差異。 研究結果發現,研發與行銷投入均對於企業營運績效有正面影響,而研發的效果遠大於行銷效果,且研發的遞延年限比行銷長久,長期看來,到第四年約才發揮研發總效果的九成,但行銷第一年就佔了總效果的91.4%。而製造業研發效果的確比服務業好,反之服務業的行銷效果比製造業好。另外,電子產業的研發績效是大於非電子產業,但是在行銷方面卻是非電子產業較有影響的。最後針對研發或行銷密度的高低進行分析,結果顯示研發密度較高的投入,的確會使企業獲得較高績效,但是在行銷方面,高行銷投入與低行銷投入卻差異不大。


Taiwan has been playing an important role in the vertical disintegration of global manufacturing industries. Taiwanese enterprises are facing ever increasing competitive pressures especially from the neighboring China with a cheep labor cost. They need to gain new market informational and knowledge to remain competitive. A Smile-curve concept has been proposed by Dr. Stan Shih, the founder of global computer giant-Acer Group. He stressed that the enterprises of Taiwan should pay more attention to “marking’ and “R&D” to remain. In this research we demonstrate an application of the dynamic panel data to do comparative study of the deferred effects of R&D and marketing in Taiwan’s enterprises. The empirical results indicate that the R&D and marketing inputs both have positive influence on enterprise’s performance. As for the deferred effects, R&D input brings back 90% total revenue by the end of first years. The manufacturing enterprises can increase their performance by consolidating with R&D inputs to achieve the optimal situation than the service enterprises. Those electronic enterprises may give a better performance improvement than non-electronic enterprises by more R&D devoting. Finally, the higher density of R&D inputs can have significant effects than marketing inputs do.


Dynamic Panel Data R&D Marketing Performance


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