  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 呂俊德


隨著網際網路技術應用及資訊通訊技術之進步,各種資訊及通訊產品不斷地推陳出新,3C產業在近幾年出現蓬勃發展的現象。同時,在消費者意識高漲的潮流下,其消費行為轉變為少量、多樣、個性化的需求,導致傳統複雜的通路,發生結構性的轉變,亦使得產業內競爭局勢從廠商或品牌間之競爭,演變為通路間的競爭。因此,通路業者必須重新調整經營策略,以滿足消費者之需求,並達到產業效益最大化。   以台灣而言,電腦、通訊及消費性資訊產品等需求成大幅度成長,在3C產品生命週期越來越短及價格變化迅速的情勢下,如何快速地將新商品傳遞給消費者,就得依靠有效的通路體系運作來達成,倉儲與運輸配送網路系統的設計更是攸關整個供應鏈體系運作效率的所在。 據此,本研究擬以國內3C通路業之運籌模式為探討對象,除實際了解3C通路業在面對銷售及存貨作業上所面臨的問題之外,更建構一以通路商為主之供應鏈運籌管理模式,針對通路商在面對整體需求量的增加時,該如何進行因應的決策,並擬以二種不同型態的配銷網路做情境分析,測試不同情境下通路需求產品比例的改變情形,以提出建議,並藉以提供實務界作為求解實際問題時的依據。 在求解方法上,本研究採用數學規劃法建構以最大化利潤為目標之模式,並以LINGO軟體執行演算。研究結果顯示通路商在現有只有單一運籌中心的運作模式下,當需求增加時,現有運作規模無法提供顧客滿意的服務,當需加工組裝產品與不需加工產品需求數量比例為1:9時,以發貨倉來因應之利潤比運籌中心來得高。


Accompanying with the Internet and Information technology prevails, there are various information and communication products. Simultaneously, because of the consumerism rising and variety of consumer demand, the structure of the marketing channels have to be changed. Therefore, the company has to readjust their business strategy in order to fulfill the customers and achieve the maximum profit. For Taiwan, the demand for computer, communication and consumer electronics glow dramatically. Under the circumstance of short product life cycle time and rapid changing price, how to satisfy customer demand in right time, at right place, and by right quantity have to depend on the efficient operational system. Warehousing and distribution systems are the key factors for attaining the supply chain system. For this reason, this research has chosen the 3C channel as the research target. Not only to understand the real questions in 3C channel industry, such as distribution and inventory management, the research also develop a integer programming model which could reflect the reality. This study is available to provide 3C channel distributors a point of view for how to make the decision of designing the distribution center. The result show that when the demand increase, channel have to establish new distribution center.


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