  • 學位論文


Impact of Multiple Intelligences and Social Capital on Entrepreneurial Behaviors – Comparisons between Software Industry Entrepreneurs and IS Employees

指導教授 : 林子銘


中文摘要 創業家為國家經濟體系中一群特殊的角色,且為少數的一群,他們是企業新創與發展的靈魂性人物。因此,創業家相關議題的討論,一直是重要的研究領域。為何有些人選擇並成功開創自己的企業成為創業家,而有些人選擇擔任一般從業人員。創業家與一般從業人員間的差異是否來自於先天特質的不同,或者可以透過後天的教育加以培養,此議題一直是許多研究所關心的重點,也是創業家人才培育的關鍵議題。 在資訊管理領域,我們以培養資訊科技應用管理人才為目標,長久以來資訊管理教育為企業培養出許多優秀的資訊系統應用人才,但對於資訊軟體產業創業家的培育卻較為缺乏。過去創業家相關研究文獻指出,創業家所具備的特有人格特質,但在國內,過去並未有學者曾針對資訊軟體產業的創業家進行深入研究。 本研究整合多元智能與社會資本的觀點,探討兩者對於資訊軟體產業創業家創業行為的影響。本研究採兩個階段進行,第一階段為個案訪談,主要的目的是希望能夠明確定義出創業家社會資本及其衡量方式,以做為第二階段研究的基礎,本階段合計訪談七位資訊軟體產業創業家。第二階段為問卷調查,以第一階段的研究成果為基礎,結合多元智能的觀點,提出一創業家創業決策行為模式及相關假說,並針對資訊軟體產業創業家和資訊從業人員進行問卷調查。 本研究第一階段研究成果主要針對創業家社會資本的結構、認知、及關係進行定義,並提出相關的測量方式,以做為第二階段研究的基礎。第二階段研究結果指出,創業家、資訊從業管理人員、和資訊從業技術人員在多元智能(情緒智能、社交智能、文化智能)上存在顯著的差異。在社會資本方面,研究結果發現,除了一般日常性社會資本外,創業家社會資本相關變數(包括個人社會資本認知、工作相關社團參與、和信任)在不同受測者間,均存在顯著的差異。本研究也發現,個人的情緒智能及其社會資本認知,會影響其社會資本的形成。最後,本研究的結果指出,一個人的多元智能和社會資本,會顯著影響其是否要創業的決策行為。相關討論、研究限制與未來研究方向在本論文中均有詳細的說明。


Abstract Entrepreneurs represent a special and rare group in an economic system, and they play a critical role in establishing new businesses. Therefore, issues relating to entrepreneurs are important research topics. Notably, why do some people become entrepreneurs while others do not? Many studies have attempted to answer the above question. If entrepreneurs naturally born or they can be educated from school. Therefore, the issue of entrepreneur origin relates crucially to entrepreneur education. In the field of MIS education, the goal is to educate information technology application professionals. Previous educational efforts have educated numerous outstanding information systems application personnel, but equivalent success has not been achieved in cultivating entrepreneurs. Previous studies have demonstrated that entrepreneurs have identified certain personality traits unique to entrepreneurs, but no study have focused on software industry entrepreneurs in Taiwan. This study integrates studies from multiple intelligences and social capital to investigate their influence on entrepreneur behaviors. A two phase research design was employed. The first phase conducted a case study. This phase was designed to understand the entrepreneurial spirit of social capital and how to measure this concept. The results were used as the basis of the next phase. A total of seven software industry entrepreneurs were interviewed. In the second phase, a survey was implemented. Integrating the concept of multiple intelligences and the results of first phase and integrated model of entrepreneurial decision behavior was developed. Additionally, related research hypotheses were proposed and validated. The research subjects during this phase included software industry entrepreneurs and information systems professionals. The first phase of this study defined entrepreneurial social capital and proposed measuring it based on three dimensions: structure, cognitive, and relationship of social capital. This measurement were employed and validated in the second phase. The second phase results indicated that there exists differences between entrepreneurs, IS managers and IS technical people in terms of multiple intelligences (emotional intelligence, social intelligence, and cultural intelligence). Regarding social capital, the results indicated that besides daily social capital significant differences exist between the three research samples. These variables include personal social capital cognition, participation in work related association and trust. This study also found that personal emotional intelligence and cognition related to social capital positively affects social capital forming. Finally, this study indicated that personal multiple intelligences and social capital positively affect entrepreneurial decision behavior. Related discussions, limitations, and future research directions are discussed in this dissertation.


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