  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 鄭銘章


本研究是在符合SCORM 2004的規範下發展出一個射出成型數位教學系統,藉由網際網路,學習者可不受限於時間或空間的約束,只要有一台可上網的電腦,即可進行數位教學的課程。 在系統的開發方面,本研究是使用ADL所提供的免費軟體作為教學系統的平台,但是由於SCORM在2004版本中新增加了Sequencing & Navigation rules,而此規則又細分了相當多的子功能,對於教材開發者而言是一個沉重的考驗,但是在實際編排課程過後,只需取出規則當中的幾樣功能即可滿足大部份的編排需求。在教材內容方面,結合了影片與圖片,並輔以文字的敘述介紹和虛擬實境的操作,讓學習者能夠了解射出成型的相關知識與概念。 在教學系統的驗證方面,在測驗題目在經過專家效度的檢驗後,接下來則是驗證系統的學習性與信度。經由實驗得到,受測者的前、後測驗成績在經由t檢定過後是具有明顯差異性,且平均值有在學習前與學習後有明顯增加,也代表了此教學系統是有學習性的。另外,受測者在經過一個星期後,再做系統的再測信度與折半信度的實驗,在經由統計分析測驗分數過後,系統的再測信度在0.667以上,折半信度在0.776以上,皆達到可信的水準,因此本教學系統是具有穩定性的。


This study developed an e-learning system of injection molding by the standard of SCORM 2004. A learner can attend class by a computer with a network without the limitation of time or places. In the aspect of developing the system, the free software from ADL was needed in electric learning system. However, the SCORM 2004 adds some rules the “Sequencing & Navigation”, and it subdivides many rules. To the content developers, it’s a heavy loading. But, after editing the content practically, it was found that only a few main rules needed to be satisfied with the learning system. As an aspect of the content, it contains videos and pictures assisted by some words and the operation of virtual reality of injection molding machine. And through this system, learners can know about the related knowledge and concepts of injection molding. In the aspect of verification of learning system, after the expert’s validation of tests, the learning system’s attainment of learning and reliability was verified. Through experiments, examinee’s pre-test and post-test reveal significant differences by way of the “t-test”, and the mean values increase obviously. This indicates that the learning system have the attainment of learning. Moreover, one week later, the examinee had been received another experiments of reliability of test-retest and split-half. After the analysis of statistics’ methods, the reliability of test-retest is above 0.667, and that of split-half is above 0.776. They all achieve the reliable level. Therefore, this e-learning system has the stable learning effect.


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